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Home address

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  • Home address

    Hi, I’m not even sure if this really comes under a legal situation but I wonder if someone could possibly help?

    Basically I need advice on a home address issue. My problem is that since a divorce and the recent sale of the joint home I am currently without my own personal home address. Because of my job I work away every week from at least Monday to Friday and on the one or two days that I’m not working on the weekend I usually stay at my girlfriends anyway so I actually have no need to own or rent a property myself.

    The problem is now I’m without an actual home address of my own and I need to change my Bank account, Driving license, Car registration details etc...

    Although I’m now with someone else and stay at her home when not working we are not at the point of moving in together etc..

    So what I would like to know if anyone can help is what would be the best way or my options of having an address too use for what I need whilst not actually needing an actual place too reside of that makes sense.

    Many thanks
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  • #2
    I suggest asking your girlfriend for permission to use her place as your home address. You do not need to share ownership to have it as your address.
    Alternatively, do you always go to the same address when away ?


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply.
      To be honest if possible I’d rather not use my girlfriends address as not only is it very early days also her ex husband still pays 100% of the mortgage etc for her and the children and it sort of doesn’t feel right to be using somebody else’s home as my own if that makes sense?
      I don’t need an address to use for obtaining any credit etc against it’s literally just to register myself for my driving license etc.
      I have considered renting a room somewhere or something but it just seems a waste as it will never be used.
      During the week I travel all over so I’m never at the same address.


      • #4
        Yes, it does make sense.
        Is there a friend or relative who might let you use their address ?


        • #5
          Yeah, you probably should ask someone to use their address. Don't you have any friends?


          • #6
            I'm sure he has. Just checking legalities. Someone I know is using xr protest camp as address. Accepted by court.


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