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Car Finance in my name for an ex who has already failed to make payments

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  • Car Finance in my name for an ex who has already failed to make payments


    I need to know what I can do to get the car back. The log book is currently in his name but the agreement is in mine. He didn’t make payment last month I had to pay (which he is unaware of, he thinks the car hasn’t been paid). I have told him the car needs to be sold and finance company paid. I no longer want to have anything to do with the car and him as he has caused a lot of stress and is dealing with immaturely. I need to know what I can do to get the car keys back so that I can arrange to sell it and pay off the finance company. I cannot afford to keep making payments as I am not working. The log book states that it does not make him the owner of the vechile. Do i need to get the car in my name and back to my address. I changed the address to his on the V5 because a couple of car fines kept coming to my address. I really need to know how I can go forward on this I cannot afford to have name blacklisted. Can I apply for a small claims court to get the car in my possession?
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