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Suing thepolice

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  • Suing thepolice

    I wish to make a claim for damages against the police. Can I do this in the County Court, or do i have to start in a higher court (where i'd have to have representation). Ideally, I want to represent myself.
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  • #2
    What damages are you wanting to claim for more info will get more help on here


    • #3
      I was falsely imprisoned in a house by a private individual and 3 of his acomplices. I was held for about 30 mins. dutring which time I was threatened, assualted bodily, and had my phone broken by them. I also had £750 worth of my property and money stolen by them from my laptop bag which they seized from me.The police attended but did not arrest them! I have since found out at least one of the culprits is an ex-serving policeman, so I suspect collusion with the police as the episode was planned by them several days before. On any view, they should have been arrested. As a result of not being arrested, I have had further threats from my assailants. All this has played havoc with my mental health.I've not been able to work, so feel I am due damges becase of th inaction of the police. Further, I made an online report of the false imprisonment ,etc he day after the incident. (I have the report number),I have never had a response to this report.I take this as further evidence of police collusion.
      As you can imagine, being effectively kidnapped and imprisoned is the most frightening experience of my life, and I cannot let this go.


      • #4
        police complaint go to first to deal then see outcome Including results for police complaints commission
        Search only for police complaints commissioner
        Independent Police Complaints Commission - GOV.UK


        • #5
          I have already complained and all I got was the expected whitewash.Their statement was full of lies, icluding saying I agreed they shouldn't be arrested .The complete opposite was true. In any case, they should arrested all 4 of them, with or without my permission.


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