Hi there! I am looking for some advice. I have just purchased my first home... it has taken years of saving and scraping by to finally be rent free... hated people having control over me... anyway seems as though our neighbours have right of access on our land going past every window of our end of terrace house to get to thier house... they use this as thier main acces instead of using the perfectly good front door they have to pass to get round the back. We were unaware of this prior to purchasing the property and our plans for it are ruined because of this... I fear we have a battle... neighbour rents and the owner which is a housing company is just sticking to the deeds... the police have already been involved. How do I change the deed to keep these crazy people off my property. Have already had threatening behaviour from tenants... the boundary on the deed has also been moved on the property too in thier favour, we are also missing a piece of the house itself to them. But right now all we worry about is the abuse of access... have no problem giving access for service media.
hope we can find help here... I have had so many bad things happen and I'm really losing my faith in humanity...
Appreciate any help x x
hope we can find help here... I have had so many bad things happen and I'm really losing my faith in humanity...
Appreciate any help x x