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How to deal with false complaints from an anonymous neighbour?

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  • How to deal with false complaints from an anonymous neighbour?

    First time poster but a longer time lurker!

    Hi everyone, hoping for some general advice and tips to deal with a potentially tricky situation that is unfolding.

    I cant mention where I live / specifics but if any of you fine peeps can offer advice, I would greatly appreciate it!

    How do we best deal with false complaints sent to Police / Council from an anonymous neighbour?

    Our situation
    Currently we seemingly have an anonymous neighbour (sole complainant we were told) that has started repeatedly making random complaints to the Police, the Council and our Landlord regarding myself and my family. Eek.

    No neighbours have approached us or messaged us to complain in person, nor giving any hint of any concerns with us. First we heard of trouble was a pair of police officers at my door as I arrived home from my 12 hour shift (I'm a key-worker). I panicked thinking someone had died when it was actually a visit to 'address anonymous complaints'.

    False claims
    I know its hard for me to prove we arent horrible people but we honestly say these are all false. The anon complainer claims the following...

    * Noise from parties and fireworks (We have never had parties even before Covid kicked off and we are under lockdown and I our cats hate fireworks etc)
    * Rats seen running over rubbish bins (We have 2 cats, neighbours have cats also, and never seen rats at all. Not once)
    * Daily visitors breaking covid bubble (We have carers twice a day visiting our parents and sometimes deliveries)
    * Trading from Home and not paying Business Tax (I work away from home, though my wife was self employed as a landscaper in the past she now has Fibromyalgia and Arthritis so cant work)
    * Illegal Dog Breeding (We have never bred from our male dog and haven't had a dog since Jan 2020)
    * We have had illegal visits from friends/family repeatedly during lockdown (I haven't seen my brother or family in 9 months and they last visited us 12 months ago - no friends visit at all)

    There are more but you get the idea. Just wondering if its a neighbour within eye shot of my property who hates cats, or who takes offence to us building a shed in our garden to keep my wife occupied with woodworking, or simply doesn't like my flavour of Rugby team? Not got a clue but feels like this is escalating.

    Further actions
    What do you lovely people think we can realistically do to either resolve this, or protect ourselves from possible harassment?

    So far the Council and Police who have attended each day (4 days now) have been nice and not shown any alarm but I'm starting to feel put upon by this with no recourse to stop it.

    I've no idea whom I have offended or how. Never had issues with neighbours before so have no idea how to best approach this or how best to protect my family from this.

    During this pandemic we have had to suffer job losses, or dogs sudden passing, general ill health, even dad is now wheelchair bound suddenly with parkinsons. Our son has been unemployed for a year and is struggling to cope. False complaints like this are the last thing we or anyone needs during a pandemic!

    If you have read this far, thank you and hope your safe and well.

    Thank you.

    Mr JellyHat
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Presumably, the complainant hasn't provided evidence to back up these allegations?

    If this is occurring on a regular basis then I would be starting to document events, the allegations made each time and then writing to both the council and the police informing them that this sole complainant is making unfounded allegations to the point that there is regular attendance by them both and you feel this is starting to become a matter of harassment, which is causing you and your family alarm and distress.

    If you don't get the satisfactory responses you need from either of them then you should formalise that into a complaint. With the council, I believe there is an option to go to the Local Government and Care Ombudsman.

    here is a possibility of going down the legal route but you would probably need to make an application to the court asking them to order the council/police to reveal the name and address of the complainant for the purposes of starting legal proceedings. Obviously you would need to front the cost of this and there is the time involved in going down a harassment claim or something similar.

    I would suggest the starting point is to find a point of contact through the people that have arrived at your home if you can and write to them with a view to making a complaint.

    Perhaps others might be able to chime in with more specific knowledge around this.
    If you have a question about the voluntary termination process, please read this guide first, as it should have all the answers you need. Please do not hijack another person's thread as I will not respond to you
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    • #3
      We had harassment from one neighbor, backed up by a second who was also the cause of the problem, it came to a head as we were constantly visited by the Council and Ministry of Agriculture, it transpired it was because I kept birds, we had you attend the Council meeting to sit there like naughty children, then the Council chap said, " I cannot tell you who is causing you the problems, but they are very close to you" in fact next door, but you would have never known as they were so pleasent, I sorted the problem pleasantly, both of the problems moved within months, hopefully, you find the person and you will probably find that he/she has problems, but beware as sometimes this can be a mental problem and lead on to further disastrous action.


      • #4
        Firstly, sorry to hear about all your personal difficulties. As you say, you certainly don't need this.
        I am amazed the police and council have the time to waste on this. To a simple person like me it is plain that they should ask for evidence after the first wasted visit before returning. I would consider asking local councillor or M.P to help.
        There is also the offence of wasting police time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scot22 View Post
          Firstly, sorry to hear about all your personal difficulties. As you say, you certainly don't need this.
          I am amazed the police and council have the time to waste on this. To a simple person like me it is plain that they should ask for evidence after the first wasted visit before returning. I would consider asking local councillor or M.P to help.
          There is also the offence of wasting police time.
          Thanks ARCHIE.2 and SCOT22 for your replies.

          The above sounds like a good start so I will hope to explore my options.
          Kinda feels like all the power is with the anonymous complainer as things stand.
          The Police were apologetic but I do wonder how long all parties patience will last if this persists.
          I just feel like Im rather powerless to resolve this as Ive no idea who is complaining or whats prompted it.
          Hopefully this thread might encourage others with experience or ideas we can try out to resolve this. Your all welcome to post more advice or tips on how we can react and resolve this if you have any and I will try to put them into action.
          Best wishes and be safe all.


          • #6
            Originally posted by R0b View Post
            Presumably, the complainant hasn't provided evidence to back up these allegations?

            If this is occurring on a regular basis then I would be starting to document events, the allegations made each time and then writing to both the council and the police informing them that this sole complainant is making unfounded allegations to the point that there is regular attendance by them both and you feel this is starting to become a matter of harassment, which is causing you and your family alarm and distress.

            If you don't get the satisfactory responses you need from either of them then you should formalise that into a complaint. With the council, I believe there is an option to go to the Local Government and Care Ombudsman.

            here is a possibility of going down the legal route but you would probably need to make an application to the court asking them to order the council/police to reveal the name and address of the complainant for the purposes of starting legal proceedings. Obviously you would need to front the cost of this and there is the time involved in going down a harassment claim or something similar.

            I would suggest the starting point is to find a point of contact through the people that have arrived at your home if you can and write to them with a view to making a complaint.

            Perhaps others might be able to chime in with more specific knowledge around this.

            Thanks also to ROB for your feedback as well.

            I will start to catalogue these events and also make notes on my families activities and movements just incase its useful. its certainly stressing us out. I will research the Local Government and Care Ombudsman option as that hadn't even occurred to me.

            Really hoping not to go legal if we can help it as I have very little experience with solicitors but have contacted Citizens Advice and this forum has already helped with some good info to start with.

            Thank you for this and best wishes to you.


            • #7
              So sorry to read this. Agree totally that you should document everything. Perhaps the next time either council or police call you can ask them nicely to please request evidence from whoever it is that is complaining before they return? Perhaps mention to the Police that this is now a course of harassment on the part of whoever is complaining and ask how to go about having them charged with this offence. They are unlikely to do so at this stage but it may make them think! Agree also re a complaint to the council. Good luck please keep us informed.


              • #8
                Originally posted by islandgirl View Post
                So sorry to read this. Agree totally that you should document everything. Perhaps the next time either council or police call you can ask them nicely to please request evidence from whoever it is that is complaining before they return? Perhaps mention to the Police that this is now a course of harassment on the part of whoever is complaining and ask how to go about having them charged with this offence. They are unlikely to do so at this stage but it may make them think! Agree also re a complaint to the council. Good luck please keep us informed.
                Thanks for the reply ISLANDGIRL and will try to put these suggestions into action. Best wishes.


                • #9
                  Good news is there have been no visits from authorities since my last post.

                  Bad news is we are battling flood waters now.

                  Im sure we are all due some better times to come!

                  If i get any more nuisance complaints I will note them here but will progress the tips you have all provided.

                  Thanks and be safe.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JellyHat View Post
                    Good news is there have been no visits from authorities since my last post.

                    Bad news is we are battling flood waters now.

                    Im sure we are all due some better times to come!

                    If i get any more nuisance complaints I will note them here but will progress the tips you have all provided.

                    Thanks and be safe.
                    My guess is this person looks in on Legal Beagles


                    • #11
                      It is possible that they have seen that they are potentially breaking the law by making these claims - let's hope so! Good luck with the flooding issues - hope you avoid this and avoid any further issues with the neighbour. Keep us informed.


                      • #12
                        Would you 'adam and eve it'? Due to the floods, power cuts and no internet we have had some peace and quiet since the 23rd Jan (long may it continue). We have actioned the advice above and we are hoping that things will stay quiet from here on in :-)
                        If anything else strange occurs we will certainly let you all now.
                        Until then I will continue to lurk the forum and as always.
                        We sincerely thank anyone who has read this thread, messaged us directly or kindly posted a reply.
                        Thanks all as you have honestly been a great help in our time of need.
                        Best wishes,
                        Mr Jellyhat


                        • #13
                          Thank you for the update and good luck - hope you don't need to come back here but you are always welcome!


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