Hi. I am after some advice please. In May 2012 my son was renting a property and was getting housing benefit. Then he moved in with me. I notified the council. They were again advised in the September by the DWP. The claim wasn't cancelled until the following year and by then he owed over £3k. I never knew that he was still getting the housing benefit paid into his account. He was/is an alcoholic so he just spent it (which he shouldn't have I know, but he did). He has never been able to pay it back so I have been paying it. At the moment I pay £4 per week. Every six months I get a income/expenditure form to fill in for him as I act on his behalf. They always agree to the payment amount but then forget to add it so I then get a final demand and have the contact them to remind them to add the payment plan. I know this may be controversial, but if I just let it go it court, would there be a chance it would be written off seeing as they took so long to process the change in circumstances? It just feels like their mistake has hung over me years. Thanks
Housing Benefit Overpayment
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Pre-Action Letters
First Steps
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Acknowledge Claim
CCA Request
CPR 31.14 Request
Subject Access Request Letter
Example Defence
Set Aside Application
Witness Statements
Directions Questionnaire
Statute Barred Letter
Voluntary Termination: Letter Templates
A guide to voluntary termination: Your rights