xmasbob How did it all go? - I'm at exact same stage defended a claim against me.... I've just received the DQ from court (and also claimant which had answers already in some of the boxes)
I'm panicking I don't know what to write or how to respond to the DQ.
Lowells Solicitors have passed it over to Overdale Solicitors & they have only provided me with a reconstituted CCA for very, no other documentation as requested.
Nothing for capital one at all (it's a joint claim for very & capital one via Lowells I Portfolio).
do I mediate or not, do I agree to make a token payment to them or not!?
Either way if I do lose I can only afford a certain amount a month which will be a token payment & I will state to the court with evidence that I cannot afford anymore.
I've been informed if you don't specify an amount, if it gets that far... The claimant can set the amount you must pay them which can be an unreasonable amount! I'm so stressed with it all
I'm panicking I don't know what to write or how to respond to the DQ.
Lowells Solicitors have passed it over to Overdale Solicitors & they have only provided me with a reconstituted CCA for very, no other documentation as requested.
Nothing for capital one at all (it's a joint claim for very & capital one via Lowells I Portfolio).
do I mediate or not, do I agree to make a token payment to them or not!?
Either way if I do lose I can only afford a certain amount a month which will be a token payment & I will state to the court with evidence that I cannot afford anymore.
I've been informed if you don't specify an amount, if it gets that far... The claimant can set the amount you must pay them which can be an unreasonable amount! I'm so stressed with it all