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Attic above top floor flat

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  • Attic above top floor flat

    Hello! I'm looking for some advice and have been directed here..

    I'm a tenant living in a building with 2 flats downstairs and 2 flats upstairs. I live in a small 1 bed flat upstairs and someone else lives opposite me.

    Since I've moved in I've noticed someone lives above me, in the attic. There is an attic door in the roof of the hallway when I enter my flat, the ceiling is high and I can't reach it and have never attempted to do so.

    This concerns me because although they aren't overly noisy and don't bother me I'm concerned for my safety and security as they would have access into my property through the attic door in the ceiling. This give me anxiety and I feeling uncomfortable sleeping or leaving the flat.

    I'm hesitant mentioning it to my landlord as tho he seems okay to talk to this changes when it comes to bringing up anything which may require him to spend money to fix, he hates spending money and I don't want any issues. I'd ask the neighbours but as I'm pretty sure it's them occupying that space I don't want to risk making them hostile (they're not very friendly) as I just want to live in peace. All I can think is that they also have a way leading to the roof and maybe there is no wall in the roof space to separate that space from above their flat from above mine.

    Just to clear up any misunderstandings no its not rats or pigeons or my imagination etc lol there is 100% someone living in the roof above my flat or using the space above it, I regularly hear footsteps and furniture shifting etc.
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  • #2
    can you lock it from your side without damaging anything? Peace of mind!


    • #3
      Islandgirl not without using padlocks and I can't reach it the ceiling is very high plus am rubbish at handywork like that would have to pay a handyman also would need permission of landlord and very strong locks or it could be pulled open by them if they lifted the door from the attic, plus landlord has to pay for it, just so anxious about bringing it to his attention he won't be happy about having to pay for anything unfortunately.


      • #4
        There are further concerns regarding fire safety. If it is inhabited then I suspect it will be breaking reguations, endangering life and property. Is there anyone who could act as a support when dealing with landlord ?
        This really needs to be sorted.


        • #5
          Scot not really because I'm the one in the tenancy and don't want him feeling I'm getting someone who doesn't live here to talk to him he may feel intimidated and get annoyed I dunno, but I also feel anxious with talking to him because he always raises his voice a little and talks over me when I discuss any issue with the flat and I can't say what I'm saying so I suspect he might do that when I tell him. To be able to be heard and explain properly my concerns I was thinking I might text him instead and say I'm unable to talk at the mo so prefer texting?

          Good point with the fire safety and regulations I hadn't thought of that. If landlord doesn't address my concerns is it possible to get council to intervene if its a privately owned property? Trying to know all my options before I try to address this it's so nerve-wracking.


          • #6
            Well getting the council involved before you ask the LL what is going on is certain to annoy him! Why don't you say you are concerned that someone has broken in and is using the attic? Can you get your opposite flat to also say that they have heard it (if they have) and then you could say that in your text so the LL knows it is not just you. I think text or letter is the right way to go as it is easy to get flustered face to face.


            • #7
              Good advice but I think OP said she thinks it's opposite flat occupying it. Yes texting good way and allows time to think. Easy for me to say but you will get through.


              • #8
                Islandgirl I wouldn't go council without raising it with landlord first just wondered what else to possibly do if he ignores me because for sure he won't want to do anything with it if it involves costs on his side but also I don't think I can keep living like this with other ppl having access to my flat. It's easier now because of lockdown I'm home alot but soon that will change and it will be harder leaving home for me knowing they're up there. I really don't mind that they're there I've had ppl live above me before it's just the security issue but now also what Scot said about fire safety as its also now reminded me of the cooker I think they had up there.
                Scot yes I do think it's the ones opposite because of the sounds and also their behaviour they're very aloof and not approachable I wonder if that's why because they don't want to be questioned about it? I know both the downstairs families they are friendly I've asked them about it they said they've not really known anyone in this flat before I came here as people would come and go and no long term tenants and that I'm the first person who seems to be living here properly so they've not heard that about the roof before.

                The day I asked the lady downstairs in the hallway if previous tenants had mentioned noises in their attic, when I came up I heard alot of movement and quiet but angry and nervous sounding voices coming from next door and then someone shifting a large piece of furniture or something from the attic then heard them carry something heavy down the stairs, I later that day went out and looked there was a cooker outside which was collected 2 days later. I'm sure it was that I heard them removing from the attic and it's only then I suspected its them up there. I'm waiting for the landlord to address some lighting issues in the hallway then will bring it up as he doesn't seem to be happy about that and was complaining its expensive, can't imagine him when I tell him about this as I can't see how it can be addressed unless he has a wall installed in the attic separating it from next doors attic area or seals off the door in my haway ceiling, both of which will cost him probably more than some lighting fixtures.


                • #9
                  Wish you success. Keep a successful outcome in your thoughts.


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