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I want to sue an incompetent court and judge's

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  • I want to sue an incompetent court and judge's

    Good day to all you clever ‘’Legal Beaglers’’
    I am sorry in advance for this long post, but hopefully if you get to the end you will understand my need for a full and detailed explanation.
    My story:-
    In 2007 my wife and I moved to southern Italy to hopefully live out our retirement in a small piece of paradise, in the sun surrounded by a million Olive trees and the freshest air you could breath.
    Unbeknown to me at the time she was involved with another man and under the guise of wanting to see her family she made frequent trips to the UK 4 or 5 times a year for a few weeks each time.
    Christmas 2009 she announced that she was no longer in love with me, she said she still loved me, but was no longer IN LOVE as she once was, CONFUSED? I was and still am.
    I was already aware that she was a very devious, controlling, thief and had often found her at my computer accessing my on-line bank account and moving and spending my money, when I met her she had no savings and had various store and credit card that were all at their limits, she managed to pay them off as well as giving her two boys large presents of money from my account.
    I know I am stupid and should have run a mile when I first found out, but I am so non-confrontational and hate arguments and allowed her delicious smile and warm explanations to win me over every time, when I met her I had over £135,000 of hard earned savings in my account ready for my old age, now I have nothing, I live on my state pension of £550 per month, I scrape by, by the skin of my teeth some months not even having enough milk for my tea, but I do manage to house and feed my six dogs, all strays that I have collected and it is them that I owe my life, such as it is, they do not deserve to be abandoned twice in their short lives, they are my constant and loving companions.
    She moved out of our home that I had paid for in August 2012, I spent the next year living on SKYPE with her begging her to return, but she had obviously found her next victim with more funds than she had left me.
    Eventually I told her I was going to file for a divorce, I explained that I would make it a no blame divorce still not wishing to upset her (stupid me) I had bought a new car in 2011 she asked me one day if she could borrow it as she was having trouble getting around, stupidly, I agreed and arranged for a car transporter to collect it from here in Italy and deliver it to her in Bristol, again I paid over £1,700 for the privilege of loaning her my car and getting it to her, I know this makes me out to be a complete numpty, but I still thought I was in love with her.
    She rang me two weeks later to tell me that she had just sold my car for £5,500, not a word to me in advance of her intentions, OH, and she paid all the money into her account.
    Can things get any worse? OH, yes, she was just warming up on her repertoire, not trusting me to stick to my side of my suggested agreement to make this a simple ‘’NO FAULT’’ divorce she decides to approach a solicitor, two firms turned her down once they realised what she was up to, she eventually arrived at the door of the biggest ****wit, brainless narcissist ever born, a match made in hell, I think he was still on page one of the ****wit idiots guide to soliciting, he should have taken up fantasy story writing instead.
    Some of his fantasy messages to me only contained my name as factual information, OH and the date, he usually managed to get that right, I had a call one day from a girl in his office disclosing all sorts of information about him, how all the staff hated him, the way he would swan around the office admiring himself, she had read some of the messages he had sent to me and was appalled at the content, the grammar and the spelling, he really was a complete and utter pig ignorant ****wit.
    There is just so much more I could write but it will take up another 20 pages and probably sound unbelievable to a normal thinking person, I did suggest to him a few times that he should seek medical psychiatric help for his mental problem, but of course he ignored this suggestion.
    About a year after she had moved out to continue her affairs, I was clearing out my garage and came across a box of documents that she had stored this was when I had my first breakdown and ended up in hospital for a week, the box contained a variety of bank statements, letters from a solicitor confirming her deposit for a new house she intended to purchase, a contract for a new phone from ‘’PHONES FOR U’’ in Bristol, receipts from various dating sites that she was still on, notes in her own handwriting, noting the amounts she was stealing from me and other underhand information.
    I immediately questioned her about a few of the above points, she was obviously not expecting stupid me to ever question her about anything and so her answers were a complete and nonsensical mish-mash of total rubbish, over the course of the conversation her story on each point changed completely from not knowing what I was talking about, to she had mentioned all these things to me on several occasions but as usual I was not listening, I was obviously not going to get a sensible answer so I very bravely ended to conversation.
    During our time together here in Italy I organised frequent EX-PATS get together’s, during the summer months we would frequently have upwards of 200 guests in our garden enjoying live music, food freshly cooked by me on a bar-b-cue, cold beers, wines and having a really nice time, we also organised a monthly get together at a local restaurant where everyone could swap stories about their experiences of their new lives here in Italy, this was very useful for new arrivals who could gather a lot of information regarding who to use, and where to go for various services.
    Sadly before she left she visited many of our friends and told them stories about her having to leave and return to the UK because of my frequent mood swings and abusive behaviour to her, this was of course completely untrue, but apart from one or two I have been ostracised by everyone that I previously thought of as friends.
    Her new soulmate the ****wit so called legal guy, then decided without a word to me to change the court where I had lodged my intended divorce, not only that he changed my status from ‘APPLICANT’ to defendant making her the applicant, I did not question this perhaps I should have, it was also about the time that I found the box of stored information in the garage, I carefully copied everything and stupidly sent all this information to him, silly mistake!
    When the case eventually went to court, I was attending via SKYPE because I could not afford the expense of getting to the UK, during the first hearing, judge No 1 I overheard the judge having a private chat with ****wit telling him what to say in answer to his next questions, I screamed down the phone line and shouted at the judge that I had recorded all that he had just said. He did not argue with me just stopped the hearing and left the court.
    Judge No 2 was also a bit of a pilloc and would start reading his notes that contained so much incorrect information that he had not heard during the hearing, I bravely questioned him asking how he had gained this information. End of judge No2.
    Judge number 3 then stepped up to the breach, I sent him all of the information and more that I had previously sent ****wit, again stupidly I mentioned to ****wit what I had done, somehow ****wit managed to gain access to the courts inbox and delete all my messages, when I asked the judge if he had read my evidential documents that proved without doubt that my wife was a thief, a habitual adulteress and many other unsavoury titles he said that nothing had arrived in the court. At this point I mentioned that I use an email monitoring service and that I have a record of my emails arriving in the courts inbox, he blustered a bit and said I should send them again, I did via my monitor company and they confirmed that they had arrived a few seconds after me pressing the send mail button, again my mails were never opened and read, I do have a record from the monitor company that this second batch of mails are still sitting in the courts inbox unopened.
    I eventually telephoned the court office to ask why my emails had not been opened and given to the judge and was informed that they were told not to open my mails because they contained a dangerous virus, they said they could not remember who told them, but I can only imagine that it had to be Mr ****wit he just did not want the judge reading about his snow white abused client.
    Meanwhile I have been hospitalised again from stress, I have been threatened by the court that I will be kicked out of my house along with my family of dogs, that the house must be sold and 60% of the sale price to go to my ex and from the balance I should pay a percentage of her legal costs and this is supposed to be British justice.
    I am now a complete nervous wreck, I can hardly walk without an aid, I am in constant pain, I have written to the judge a few times asking that he review his judgement, but all I get in reply is a few words saying ‘’I HAVE MADE MY DECISION WHICH STANDS’’ He sent me a summary of his decision, 6 pages of total nonsense, I honestly do not even think that he (the judge) actually wrote a single word. It was written in the same style that Mr ****wit uses. Bad grammar, bad spelling. Just bad.
    OK finished, there is a lot more, but I hope you will get the gist of the problem, I honestly do believe that I have been abused by Bristol court and am suffering continuously as a result of their incompetence and also Mr ****wit, he of course will walk away completely unblemished all he has to do is blame his client, nothing to do with him, I want to sue Bristol court and the judges for their total incompetence in taking their instructions from a ****wit and ignoring actual evidence.
    What can I do now? can I sue a court and it’s judges for incompetence and stupidity?

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  • #2
    Can i sue the Judge and the Court

    Answer, youve got more chance of a date with Kylie and Danni Minogue.

    Sorry but it looks very unlikely that there is any merit in the case basedo n the limited info above.
    I work for Roach Pittis Solicitors. I give my free time available to helping other on the forum and would be happy to try and assist informally where needed. Any posts I make on LegalBeagles are for information and discussion purposes only and shouldn't be seen as legal advice. Any advice I provide is without liability.

    If you need to contact me please email me on Pt@roachpittis.co.uk .

    I have been involved in leading consumer credit and data protection cases including Harrison v Link Financial Limited (High Court), Grace v Blackhorse (Court of Appeal) and also Kotecha v Phoenix Recoveries (Court of Appeal) along with a number of other reported cases and often blog about all things consumer law orientated.

    You can also follow my blog on consumer credit here.


    • #3
      Sorry to say Love is blind, you are not the first and won't be the last, not much help, but I know you will never get over it, just hope KARMA strikes


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