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  • Hi all

    Hi all.
    I'm interested in you thoughts.
    I'm currently half way through an un paid work order.
    We keep getting postponed, 3 months for 1st lock down
    Currently been attending during this one,
    I've now been told to stand down for next 2 weeks for"operational issues"
    This getting ridiculous as I'd of finished my hours by now.
    Is there any point trying to get some sort of credit of hours for all the time they have told me I can't attend?
    I've currently served 100hrs with no issue to them.

    Thanks for your thoughts?
    Tags: None

  • #2
    My thoughts: unpaid work is a punishment. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Everyone has to make adjustments. The order can be varied by probation taking it back to court but I see no reason why they would. Keep doing the hours when work is available and well done on the hours completed so far.


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