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Will DEBT RECOVER PLUS take me to court ?

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  • Will DEBT RECOVER PLUS take me to court ?

    Dear friends ,
    I have a question , please help me out if you have a faced a similar situation or have some knowledge of the following
    I was working as a private hire driver back then I parked my car at stanstead airport opposite the bp patrol station , I parked on a single yellow line at night but I didn’t noticed a sign no parking at anytime, I spend there for few hours as I was too tired to drive , this was back in back in 10/2017 ,MET Parking services ltd sent me parking fine by post which I ignored and didn’t take any action.
    Now today in the morning (14/11/2020) I received another letter from DEBT RECOVERY PLUS(please see the attached letter) and they are claiming g that they’ve sent me a number of letters and I did not respond to them due to oversight and now they’re asking me to pay £160 for their client.
    I only received one later almost 3 years ago in 10/2017 and now I’m just received a debt recovery letter.
    my question is is there a way to get out this because there was no correspondence from their side in the past 3 years as they are claiming they sent me letters they only sent me one letter and nothing at all. how can I prove it ,can I simply say i didn’t receive any letter and they will accept it ?

    can I ignore this debt recovery letter ?or will they take me to court ?and do they forward it to bailiffs etc?

    I have been working for NHS since February this year and don’t drive any more.I am way too busy to get into court matters and goto court

    Please help me out I just want to get my name cleared from these problems is there a way ?

    I shall be very grateful to anyone who can advice me on this matter.
    Kind regards,
    Attached Files

  • #2
    DRP is normally ignored, they are mere debt collectors and can do nothing. Have you got the first letter that was received from MET?

    Suggest you edit your post so that the identity of the driver cannot be inferred, use "the driver ........" etc.


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