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  • Hello

    I thought this may be helpful for others, I had a CCJ relating to Moneyshop pay day loan. Which i satisfied £378, unfortunately by a payment plan through BW Legal. CCJ December 2017 registered. In September 2018 I claimed irresponsible lending, and won in June 2020. During 2018 & 2020 I enteter communication with BW legal try to get the CCJ removed,mitigating circumstances Mental Health played a part. Eventually having sent them a GP letter confirming mitigating circumstances they agreed to consent to remove the CCJ, as long as i paid the costs. I supplied my evidence to the court along with the consent order and £100 court fee. the judgment was reviewed in august 2020 and rejected because i did not state in my evidence why i didnt pursue until September 2018 nearly a year after the judgment. I completed N244 form to have the judgment set aside providing my reasons for delay and it was handed to my local county court. I recieved a judgment order on 2nd November 2020 setting aside the CCJ.

    Result Equifax from 171 very poor to 420 good (+249). Experian from 589 Moderate Risk to 651 Moderate Risk (+62) Credit Karma (Transunion) updates next week Onwards and upwards.
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