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  • DWF

    Hi looking for some advice

    i was banned last week from Sainsburys for not paying for a packet of sushi which was £11. It was a mistake I was stopped outside by a store dectective which I complied with. I had a basket of other stuff which was all scanned through. I offered to pay for it instantly but he declined this. After being taken out the back of their cold store with a member of staff off the shop floor he took my details. I complied all the way through but he refused to listen to me.
    it’s worth noting that while this was going on there was an additional 8 other people around me.
    2 other store detectives 2 members of management and 4 other members of staff looking on. Is this normal?
    anyway I have now received a fine letter for £150 I know people are saying not to pay it but is this wise? I really don’t want debt collectors coming to my address

    please help
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Don't pay it.
    Neither Sainsbury nor DWF are owed anything
    Debt collectors will not turn up on your doorstep (and if they ever do just tell them to go forth and multiply!)
    You can read all DWF letters here, so you know what's coming your way: https://legalbeagles.info/forums/for...rs-rlp-and-dwf


    • #3
      Has anyone had a debt collector on their door before? I can’t sleep at the minute thinking of what happened


      • #4
        Not that we are aware of. Even if they did turn up they have no rights at all, hence the suggestion in post #2.


        • #5
          Thanks Ostell

          do you know if this is also normal to have so many people present 11 people in total just watching.


          • #6
            Perhaps they were on a training exercise!


            • #7
              Have you heard any more? I had an incident today with 2 packs of batteries- paid £112 for my shopping but they sneaked I between my bags in the trolley as I chucked them in then the stores alarm went off! The manager was called issued a ban and I offered to pay and they accepted. I’ve gone off with my tail between my legs embarrassed but a genuine error on my part which j accept! Genuine but still my fault! They took my details told me to look at the cctv cameras and issued a ban! Terrified of the dwf letters heading my way!
              Hate the tough of being branded a shop lifter, I spose they won’t know unless I try to enter the store again and I’m hoping I just ban under my face not what actually happened..


              • #8
                use DWF letters if you run short of loo paper and stop stressing


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