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Advice on two strange incidents I believe are linked

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  • Advice on two strange incidents I believe are linked

    ​Hello, I've not posted here before and hopefully I won't have any further issues but two incidents have occurred four years apart. In isolation I wasn't majorly concerned with either incident but something I discovered later makes me believe that the two incidents may be linked. I am looking for a bit of general advice please.

    Incident 1 - Summer 2016. I was walking along the street and turned a corner. A man and woman were driving past in a brand new van (I have reasonable description of the van but unfortunately didn't take the full registration number) as the van was going past a woman clearly pointed at me the van slowed down and went in front of me. It slowly drove down the street and pulled in to the nearest parking space up the road. I got a reasonable look at the woman but not a great view of the man who was driving and Im pretty sure they are not people I know. At the same time as I walked past the van the engine was turned off. As I turned the corner I heard someone get out of the van. I believe the man followed me along the next couple of streets from a distance of about 30 to 40 yards behind me but I managed to lose him quite easily. I looked as I went around the corner but again didn't get a great view of him.
    Not long after this I saw a similar van registered the same year also parked outside a house near the area where the incident took place and saw it quite a few times over the next few years both parked and driven past me each time by a man only. I wasn't certain this was the same van but after incident 2 you'll now see why I think it is.

    Incident 2 - I was walking along a path at the other end of town. I went down a street and there was guy half way along looking for something in the boot of his car. As I was approaching he pulled out a camera and walked accross a grass verge onto the path in front of me and pointed the camera towards me so I'm fairly certain he took a photo of me. The guy did this very casually and walked back to his car as If nothing had happened and put the camera back in the boot. I'm not one for confrontation so carried on walking but took note of vehicle including registration number as I was suspicious. Again I dont know who this person was.
    Yesterday I was near the house where i would regularly see a similar van to incident 1 (there is no van there now) but this time I see the guy from incident 2 get out of the same car I had seen him in previously and he parked outside the house where I usually saw the van. He then took something out if the boot and went into his house. He seemed to do this casually even though he likely saw me so doesn't seem to have an issue with me seeing his registration number and where he lives.

    I can't think of any reasons why anyone would want to follow me or take a picture of me in not involved in any criminal activities, don't own a business, don't claim benefits etc. And I really can't think of anybody who has any issues with me. I don't think I want to report the guy to the police as he is unlikely to be charged with anything and this could escalate things if they go and speak to him and living in not a particully large town I am likely to see the guy again.

    Is there any advice you can give me with regards to this? I presume it makes sense to have a written record of the two incidents in case anything further occurs.

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  • #2
    Hello, I would report this regardless if you think that it could escalate matters- although I’m sure you could ask the police to remain anonymous? You never know what this man is involved in and it is all making me feel uneasy for you. Please get this reported today. Take someone with you, if you can for moral support. Or, the police could come to you which they did for me when I raised my concerns over a matter.


    • #3
      There's nothing in the OP to suggest that this is a police matter.

      Instead, try this version of events...

      • The passenger pointed out a parking space, the van pulled over and the driver went about his business. He didn't follow you, so you didn't lose him, he just happened to walk the same way as you before taking another route.

      • Vans are fairly common objects, especially in town centres and residential areas, and they have many similar features so it's not unusual to see more than one that look alike.

      • You saw the same person twice; once doing who knows what, and again going in to his house.

      I'm fairly rusty with my psychology and psychiatry, but I do know a bit about paranoia, and it sounds to me as though you may have arrived at 2+2=5.


      • #4
        Even so, it isn’t wasting police time if the OP is feeling uneasy about these incidences. In your opinion, it may not be a police matter, but to help the OP, I think a call to the police could help put their mind at ease.


        • #5
          Thank you for the responses. I'm not surprised to hear two different responses as both scenarios are playing out in my head. The second incident happened in a quiet road and I'm pretty sure he did not drive in front of me in this instance so part of me thinks he wouldn't have known I was going to be there in advance. I think I will hold off on doing anything at the moment.


          • #6
            Okay, well continue to remain vigilant- there is absolutely nothing wrong with being aware of your surroundings and responding to a gut feeling. All the best.


            • #7
              Thank-you I will definitely be more aware of my surroundings from now on. If anything further happens I will report it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fan321 View Post
                living in not a particully large town I am likely to see the guy again...
                You live in a small town, this incident happened 4 years ago, you havent seen the person since. On that basis I doubt they're stalking you.


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