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G24 Contractual Parking Charge Notice

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  • G24 Contractual Parking Charge Notice

    Hello all!

    I’ve received a parking charge notice today from G24 saying I was parked on private property on 1st August 2020. They state
    ‘By entering and parking the vehicle on our clients private property, the driver agreed with G24 limited to be bound by the terms and conditions of parking shown. The terms and conditions were clearly displayed at the entrance to and in prominent places within the car park. In conditions of parking the driver is hereby required to pay a parking charge, the sum of £100 within 28 days of this contractual parking charge notice.
    £100 seems quite steep to be paying.
    Can I get out of this or do I need to pay? I don’t want bailiffs turning up. I haven’t Contacted G24 yet as people have said not too. What do I do? This is my first parking ticket?

    Thank you

  • #2
    Can't read the notice. Post on an image hosting site such as imgur and post the link on here

    Yes you will have to contact them at some point. Not to is the way to a court case. Bailiffs will not turn up.

    Edit your post so that the identity of the driver cannot be inferred, use "the driver....."

    Check the status of the land, is it adopted by the council? Photos of the signs would be nice.

    Google street view marked up with the drivers location would help


    • #3


      • #4
        Will drive past today and get pictures of signs etc, I believe I parked on a different road to the one that’s listed in the letter


        • #5
          When I said edit so that they identity of the driver cannot be inferred I meant it but you have ignored in your last post.

          if the driver parked in a different road then the NTK cannot be compliant with the requirements of POFA

          Check the status of the roads with the local council. Quite often a list on a web page

          Make a note of where the signs were


          • #6
            Google Maps is a little confusing. Did the driver go through the road blocks?

            I can't see any signs saying no parking on double yellows (apart from another company down another street)


            • #7
              To me that looks like Bath Street, from memory Finzel Street /East Tucker Street are pedestrianised (but I haven't been that way for sometime!)


              • #8
                How can I edit a post? Sorry, rubbish with tech!

                didn’t go through road blocks etc


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Moonshine20 View Post
                  How can I edit a post? Sorry, rubbish with tech!

                  didn’t go through road blocks etc
                  at the bottom of your post there is a button "edit".. click on it


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