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Moriaty law

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  • Moriaty law

    Hi I’m wondering if anyone can help?

    i have today received a letter from Moriaty Law explaining they have acquired a debt on behalf of JC Aquisition Ltd owing £1100 approx. This was an original debt from 2003 with Monument visa.

    i spoke to Moriaty Law today who explained that yes they are acting on their behalf and require payment within 10 days or will take legal action, they advised it’s been passed onto them since JC ltd have been unable to contact myself or had my old address.

    i did pay and negotiate a settlement with JC Aquisition and paid £850 for the debt to be settled in Oct 2018. I have seen number of common complaints where this has happened with Moriaty Law.

    I will speak to JC ltd on Monday to request any written documentation and importantly under a SARequest a copy of any telephone conversations relating to the matter that would prove 1. They had the correct contact info for me as I have been living in this address for 10 years plus and we negotiated a full and final settlement and the monies was paid under that pretence.

    im just worried but I’m unsure legally what my rights are and if Moriaty law take any further action ?

    Any help or advice much appreciated, thanks.
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