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Colleys property check but it wasn't checked properly

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  • Colleys property check but it wasn't checked properly

    In 2016 I had Colleys surveyor inspect a semi detached house that was for sale in Northern Ireland. Not knowing the area very well I met the surveyor at the house after the survey so I could talk about the report.
    He suggested that asbestos in the ceilings and drainpipes could be an issue but generally the house was OK.

    A year later I was looking to build a ground floor extension to the rear of he house, the builder had his surveyor come and check the house. The report was not quite what I expected.
    The adjoining house has an extension already built But the footings and 2.5 cm of the outside wall of next doors extension is inside my boundary. It was only when he showed the measurements between my and next doors bedroom windows and then stand 10m down the garden boundary that this is obvious the extension is a few inches over the line. But this surveyor noticed it almost immediately and I hadn't contracted him. Needless to say I couldn't build my extension using the wall incase next door were to remove their extension. So we stopped work.
    I checked with Building Control (BC) and local Planning, the work was signed off (2009) but was not measured compared with the drawings and BC don't check boundary lines??
    If I had know next door extension was wrong I would never have purchased the house. I am now having trouble with the legal boundary line, my neighbour is disputing the position of the actual boundary.
    Where do I go with this ONE???
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  • #2
    You need to contact the surveyors stat. It's an item for a formal complaint and a claim on their professional insurance.*


    • #3
      Thank you for your advice. When you say “ the surveyors stat”, what is it you mean? Do you think that this oversight is a dereliction of care?
      I will write to Colleys and ask them to look into this as a complaint.
      I will see what response I get before filing a formal complaint.
      l will let you know how I get on..


      • #4
        Write to them with a formal complaint noW. STAT. is a term mean straight away.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dawbangor View Post
          Thank you for your advice. When you say “ the surveyors stat”, what is it you mean? Do you think that this oversight is a dereliction of care?
          I will write to Colleys and ask them to look into this as a complaint.
          I will see what response I get before filing a formal complaint.
          l will let you know how I get on..
          Thank you for your help


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