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tv licence

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  • tv licence

    Stopping licence due to inability to receive BBC or commercial tv on my television. I dont even have an aerial
    Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.
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  • #2
    And ?????


    • #3
      Originally posted by elbmek View Post
      Stopping licence due to inability to receive BBC or commercial tv on my television. I dont even have an aerial
      Do you have sky or cable tv? or any other satelite* system?


      • #4
        My tv has no aerial. And is only tuned to virgin media. Which is of course a subscription channel. VM includes bbc channels which I never watch anyway, but as I only get this channel, why should I pay twice for something I dont watch.
        Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


        • #5
          If you can watch any program, not just BBC, live then you need a licence, end of.


          • #6
            I don't actually watch tv, nor do I watch the like on my pc. Tv is all minorities and political correctness and adverts that are longer than the programmes
            Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


            • #7
              So why do you have a TV?


              • #8
                why not, I use it to watch dvds
                Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


                • #9
                  And virgin media ?* Which has broadcast channels?


                  • #10
                    My wife watches VM. My main point is why should I have to pay for the BBC twice, when I dont even watch it?
                    Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by elbmek View Post
                      My wife watches VM. My main point is why should I have to pay for the BBC twice, when I dont even watch it?
                      Can you please explain how you are paying the BBC twice? Do you have more than 15 units in your household?

                      If you have a question about the voluntary termination process, please read this guide first, as it should have all the answers you need. Please do not hijack another person's thread as I will not respond to you
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                      LEGAL DISCLAIMER
                      Please be aware that this is a public forum and is therefore accessible to anyone. The content I post on this forum is not intended to be legal advice nor does it establish any client-lawyer type relationship between you and me. Therefore any use of my content is at your own risk and I cannot be held responsible in any way. It is always recommended that you seek independent legal advice.


                      • #12
                        I pay for only one channel received in this house - Virgin Media, an independent company nothing at all to do with the BBC. That subscription includes some channels I prefer not to watch, ever. They are BBC, Sky, ITV and other commercial companies also alien from the BBC. So therefore I pay Virgin for channels incl BBC. I have zero means of receiving any other channel as I have no aerials. So, in answer to your question, why am I paying VM for BBC channels AND BBC.

                        All other channels are nothing at all to do with BBC so why does BBC think they can legislate them (eg: making them part of the tv licence).

                        I would ask you a question for Ostel: What is your vested interest in the BBC.

                        Now, legalities. The BBC operate a blatant and very open policy of racism, against the laws of the land, yet are allowed to proceed. They want to spend £100m of money they don't have on making 'diverse programmes' - again, against the law of the land. They are making cuts around the regions of £25m because they need to make 'savings'. London seems to be exempt this policy.

                        They openly advertise for positions within the company of only NON whites can apply. Against Open racism, against the law of the land. They cannot argue a population percentage of representation because an independent think tank has produced figures showing that the BBC employs well above the national percentage of races. So they again, are acting illegally. They are, to all intents and purposes, an illegal organisation that nobody seems interested in pursuing.

                        Do MPs, civil servants and ministers pay tv licences, or is it a case of do what I say, not what I do.??

                        finally, can anybody tell me which department of Government actually allows the BBC to continue as criminals and allows the BBC to make changes they cannot, and should not be allowed, to legislate for?

                        I look forward to your replies

                        Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


                        • #13
                          Virgin Media is not one channel and you have admitted further in your post you pay Virgin for access to channels. Like Ostell said, the TV licence covers live channels so irrespective of whether you watch it or not, you said your wife does and therefore the licence is payable.

                          You are not paying the BBC twice, you are paying a subscription to VM who choose to offer BBC channels. If you don't like it, cut your VM subscription or cancel your TV licence and keep using VM, see where that takes you. Even better, why don't you take them to court?

                          I just think (personal opinion) your rant about this licence malarkey is a total nonsense and makes no sense. The law is the law, it comes and goes with different governments and you have to abide by it. If you don't like it, then you can challenge that view in court, unless you claim to be a freeman of the land in which case you probably need to live in another country that has no laws and you can roam around as much as you like.

                          If you have a question about the voluntary termination process, please read this guide first, as it should have all the answers you need. Please do not hijack another person's thread as I will not respond to you
                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                          LEGAL DISCLAIMER
                          Please be aware that this is a public forum and is therefore accessible to anyone. The content I post on this forum is not intended to be legal advice nor does it establish any client-lawyer type relationship between you and me. Therefore any use of my content is at your own risk and I cannot be held responsible in any way. It is always recommended that you seek independent legal advice.


                          • #14
                            The law is quite clear. The possession of a device that can receive live TV requires the possession of a TV license. You are not paying twice for the BBC. You are paying virgin media to access their data stream. On that datastream are BBC channels which can be watched in real-time so you need a TV license.


                            • #15
                              I do understand what you are saying but - I pay VM, not BBC for their services. But then have to pay BBC for not watching their services. It is the principle. I really couldn't care what the law says as I dont know who made that law. And it was BBC's friend, Tony B Liar who put the act into the books.
                              Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


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