Hi there, I am new to this site and looking for some help. I am a dance teacher. After finishing one of our dance event I slipped on the small ramp outside the venue. There wasn’t any railings, poor lighting and no grit outside (December) Unfortunately I went through nasty ankle fracture, was taking to hospital, underwent the operation and ended with plates and screws in my foot, torn ligaments and dislocation.
3 months in cast and further 3 months walking with crutches. Had to pay other teachers to cover my classes and facing another 12-18 months no dancing/driving. Had to close my business.
I developed chronic inflammation, swelling that is limiting my mobility and developed arthritis.
We have incurred lots of expenses and adjustments: had to have help with all basic needs, completely dependent on others with food, drink, personal hygiene etc, finding someone to drive me to hospital appointments, adaptations to the crutches, other adaptations in the house, creating bedroom downstairs, finding others for shopping, cooking etc I was refused council help as my situation didn’t qualify for any disability allowance and financial help.
Aside from the expenses there are of course the considerable effects on my life, my business and obviously future profession.
My principals are against the suing culture but being left with no financial support and no work I am struggling to find a way out.
Not having any experience in the legal system, would you be able to advice what are my options and any ways forward please? Thank you
3 months in cast and further 3 months walking with crutches. Had to pay other teachers to cover my classes and facing another 12-18 months no dancing/driving. Had to close my business.
I developed chronic inflammation, swelling that is limiting my mobility and developed arthritis.
We have incurred lots of expenses and adjustments: had to have help with all basic needs, completely dependent on others with food, drink, personal hygiene etc, finding someone to drive me to hospital appointments, adaptations to the crutches, other adaptations in the house, creating bedroom downstairs, finding others for shopping, cooking etc I was refused council help as my situation didn’t qualify for any disability allowance and financial help.
Aside from the expenses there are of course the considerable effects on my life, my business and obviously future profession.
My principals are against the suing culture but being left with no financial support and no work I am struggling to find a way out.
Not having any experience in the legal system, would you be able to advice what are my options and any ways forward please? Thank you