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Racism Wales v England

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  • Racism Wales v England

    Can you be labelled a racist if an English persons doesn't like a Welsh person and vice versa. I have been informed that there is case law that states that you cant, can someone please confirm either way?*
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  • #2
    The Equality Act 2010 defines race in terms of ethnic or national origins.

    The 1980 caseMandla and Another v Dowell Lee and Another[1983] 2 AC 548, HL established that the essentialcharacteristics of an ethnic group are (1) a long shared history and (2) a cultural tradition – both of which the Welsh people have in abundance

    InBBC Scotland v Souster[2001] IRLR 150 it was established thatthe Scots and the English are separate racial groups, defined by reference to their national origins
    The Welsh (Celts) similarly have origins diverse to the English (Anglo saxons) and are a separate racial group

    So yes refer disparagingly to the Sais or to Boyos and you could be labelled racist (but not just for disliking the other)


    • #3
      Personally, I can't understand what's going on in a racist's mind and what stupid thinking they may have there.
      Why people do not understand that we are all the same, regardless of race and skin color.
      We are all human and that's all that matters. I get annoyed and I have no eyes to see such people judging by skin color.
      That's why I always buy the major, phone covers, and other things with the inscription Black Lives Matters trying to show other people that what they do is wrong.
      Last edited by FergusonJes; 4th September 2020, 18:06:PM.


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