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Furlough Payments

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  • Furlough Payments

    I wonder if anyone could help? I started working for another coach company in Manchester back on March 10th 2020 having left another one that same time.*

    I, like everyone else at this company I worked for were ‘Furloughed Off’ as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic on 27th March 2020. As I had only just joined this company, I discovered at first I wasn’t entitled to Furlough payments as initially when the Government introduced the Job Retention Scheme, one of the criteria was that the employee should have been with their present employer’s /PAYE system before the 28th February 2020.*

    Obviously this caused massive argument & debate across the UK & I signed on for Universal Credit as a result, however after a change of heart the Government changed the deadline & put it back to 19th March 2020. I didn’t sign off UC just yet as I wanted to make sure I had some money to live on the coming weeks. I received a payment of £409 off UC at the start of May 2020.

    My employer got in touch with me saying that there was a discrepancy regarding my application for Furlough as I was already claiming UC but as I mentioned it was because of Governments original cut off date of 28th February 2020 I wasn’t able to qualify hence why I claimed UC.

    I did sign off UC on the 27th April 2020 & my current employer & their accountant submitted the company’s application for the Furlough grant on 1st May 2020. My employer is claiming that because I was signing on, their application for the Furlough grant slowed things down. However, I contacted the Citizens Advice Bureau & explained the situation but it turned out by me claiming UC it shouldn’t affect my claim for Furlough.*

    I discovered that the Company received their Furlough grant & every other employee was paid, except myself & another colleague who started around the same time as myself in is also in the same situation.*

    Despite numerous phone calls & text messages between myself & my employer I was told myself & my colleague have been accepted & will be paid at the end of May.

    Fast forward to the present day & despite leaving text messages to my employer, I’ve still yet to hear from them & more importantly yet to receive a Furlough payment.

    One thing I will mention is that I did receive two payments of £600 during May but that was paid out of my employers other income but it is still not enough for me to get by. I was thinking of going to ACAS but they do not deal with the Job Retention Scheme as that is down to HMRC.*

    I cannot get hold of HMRC as I was thinking of informing them of potential Furlough Fraud (though admittedly it is a risk & have no solid evidence) but what is angering me at the minute is the lack of communication from my employer.

    I was wondering if anyone is in a similar situation?*

    Thank you

    Without Prejudice
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  • #2
    My suggestion would be that you send your employer an email asking what has happened about your furlough payments and when you will be paid since you are aware that the company has applied for furlough and you were assured payment would be received the end of May.*
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