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JPS Financial claiming there owed payment for PPI claim they had no involvement in

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  • JPS Financial claiming there owed payment for PPI claim they had no involvement in

    Long story so i'll try to keep it as simple as possible.
    Around 2015 I received an email from JPS asking if I had previously had any PPI. They sent a LOA for me to sign and said they would look into it.
    A few days later I revived a letter from Welcome Finance who stated they had been contacted by JPS but Welcome were no longer liable and my claim would be dealt with via Aviva. Someone from Aviva phoned me and said they would deal with my claim. I agreed to what they were offering o the phone and a few days later I received a cheque and a letter stating why they had paid out. At this point there was no mention of JPS being involved and Aviva never mentioned them.
    Around 2019 I got an email from JPS to say they were still looking into my PPI and would be in contact as the deadline was looming.
    I then got a letter in the post saying they had contacted Welcome again who had told JPS it was Aviva who were dealing with there claims, JPS contacted Aviva who sent them a letter confirming they had paid out a PPI claim to me in 2015
    On the back of this JPS send me a letter saying they were congratulating me on my PPI win and they were due £462.24 for the work they had carried out for me.
    I contacted JPS and asked exactly what had they carried out as Aviva had contacted me directly and it was almost 5 years ago they paid out.
    They said as I had signed a LOA they were due chunk of my successful claim even though they had no dealings with Aviva only me.
    After speaking to citizen advice they asked me to contact JPS and ask them to provide evidence of what JPS are claiming they are owed payment for, provide evidence of contact between JPS and Aviva and what Aviva told JPS there intention was with regards to payment and evidence of a final response from Aviva
    • whether the complaint had been successful or rejected, and why
    • whether they were offering to pay back any money and how much
    • why they need more time to make a decision, if required
    • what you can do if you aren't happy with the final response, such as complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service
    So far they have provided no evidence and today have sent me another letter claiming if I dont pay within 7 days they will increase they payment to £612,24 due to sending 3xletters, 4xemails,4xtexts. I have a trial of emails I have sent to them asking for evidence on several occasions without success.
    The letter also said they will contact a local debt collector and if required take it to court, which I would welcome because I think they are trying to call my bluff but I have no intention to pay.

    My argument is they had no involvement in my getting payment form Aviva and especially as it was 5 years ago, they are chancing there arm.
    If I have asked for them to provide evidence on what they believe they are owed payment for without success can they add extra fees?
    I think I am going to see this out until the end but any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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