Ive recently been taken to the small claims court but the case was adjourned because the court is closed due to Covid-19.
Ive received a N24 General Form of Judgement or Order in the post today.
Would someone be able to explain to me points 2.3 as I’m unable to speak to a solicitor at present?
2. Any case management directions previously given are similarly varied.
3. In the event that all parties agree that this matter can be dealt with on the papers they have permission to inform the court within 28 days of the day of this order together with any agreed directions and agreed time estimate.
4. Because this order has been made without a hearing, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set a side, varied or stayed. A party making such an application must send or deliver the application to the court to arrive within seven days of service of this order. The requirements for any fee is waived it in light of the exceptional nature of this order.
Many Thanks
Ive recently been taken to the small claims court but the case was adjourned because the court is closed due to Covid-19.
Ive received a N24 General Form of Judgement or Order in the post today.
Would someone be able to explain to me points 2.3 as I’m unable to speak to a solicitor at present?
2. Any case management directions previously given are similarly varied.
3. In the event that all parties agree that this matter can be dealt with on the papers they have permission to inform the court within 28 days of the day of this order together with any agreed directions and agreed time estimate.
4. Because this order has been made without a hearing, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set a side, varied or stayed. A party making such an application must send or deliver the application to the court to arrive within seven days of service of this order. The requirements for any fee is waived it in light of the exceptional nature of this order.
Many Thanks