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do i have to pay a fine to RLP

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  • do i have to pay a fine to RLP

    I genuinly walked out of the Range forgetting to pay for a tiny little car refreshner.As i got to my car a security guy said to me, did you forget to pay for something. i said i did but im on my way back in to explain that when i was at the checkout paying for a few items i got in Iceland, to which i had previosly had been to Tesco, the tiny pkt was hidden beside my other items in bags.
    The security guy said i would be getting a letter, but didnt say i would have a fine to pay.
    I was speaking to a representitive of RLP asking if i could take action so i wouldnt have to pay, oh no she said the expence is for the loss prevention.
    I also asked if i could pay this amount of £99 in installments. No she said it would have to be paid in full.
    cant anyone please advise me what i should do.
    Im worried if i dont pay this i will be takin to court.
    Thankyou for your help.
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  • #2
    It is not a fine.
    It is an invoice for imagined losses* and should be completely ignored.
    RLP will pressurise you into paying, and as they have your phone number might even call you.
    Ignore all their threats and eventually they will get the message and leave you alone.
    THere is no reason to pay, and in spite of any threats to initiate court action they will not go down that route (they lost heavily in court a few years back and have never been there since!)


    • #3
      Originally posted by des8 View Post
      It is not a fine.
      It is an invoice for imagined losses and should be completely ignored.
      RLP will pressurise you into paying, and as they have your phone number might even call you.
      Ignore all their threats and eventually they will get the message and leave you alone.
      THere is no reason to pay, and in spite of any threats to initiate court action they will not go down that route (they lost heavily in court a few years back and have never been there since!)
      Thankyou for your quick reply, mostly i do appreciate your help.
      I do sincerley hope i dont have to pay a big fine as im in great hardship as it is.
      what happenes if im pestered with them sending me letters also court threats.


      • #4
        Nothing happens except they send letters threatening court, all dressed up ion legal sounding language.
        It is all designed to pressure the vulnerable into paying their extortionate demands.

        You did nothing wrong.
        You made a mistake over a small item and were going back to correct it.
        That is not a crime

        You owe the Range nothing, and even less to RLP.
        Just ignore them and they go away.
        You can read the letters they will send you here:*https://legalbeagles.info/forums/for...rs-rlp-and-dwf


        • #5
          Does this mean court letters also i ignore. Thankyou once again for putting my mind at ease.


          • #6
            Never ignore a court document, but you will not see one over this incident!


            • #7
              Originally posted by glow View Post
              Does this mean court letters also i ignore. Thankyou once again for putting my mind at ease.
              Does that mean i will get letters to say they are taking me to court. If so, shall i ignore them,
              apoligies for being a nuisance


              • #8
                Oh yes, they will send letters indicating that you may or could be taken to court.
                The important words are "may" or "could".
                They are past masters of cleverly written letters which cause the uninitiated to fear the worse. That is how they make their money, by frightening the unwary into thinking they will be in court.
                You won't be, so just ignore them


                • #9
                  Originally posted by des8 View Post
                  Nothing happens except they send letters threatening court, all dressed up ion legal sounding language.
                  It is all designed to pressure the vulnerable into paying their extortionate demands.

                  You did nothing wrong.
                  You made a mistake over a small item and were going back to correct it.
                  That is not a crime

                  You owe the Range nothing, and even less to RLP.
                  Just ignore them and they go away.
                  You can read the letters they will send you here:https://legalbeagles.info/forums/for...rs-rlp-and-dwf
                  Should i ignore court summons/ letters.* what if they call at my home?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by des8 View Post
                    Oh yes, they will send letters indicating that you may or could be taken to court.
                    The important words are "may" or "could".
                    They are past masters of cleverly written letters which cause the uninitiated to fear the worse. That is how they make their money, by frightening the unwary into thinking they will be in court.
                    You won't be, so just ignore them
                    Thank you so much for your help.
                    I appreciate your time you have given me to reply to my questions. Kind regards


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by glow View Post

                      Should i ignore court summons/ letters. what if they call at my home?
                      never ignore official court papers (not that you will get any)
                      They will not call at your home


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