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Undue influence and slander?

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  • Undue influence and slander?

    Hi, SORRY I NEED TO OFF LOAD My parents died in 2018 and 2019. They loved me and siblings equally but their relationship with my siblings was often strained. *My parents' solicitor wrote to my parents in 2017 saying they were concerned that undue influence was being put on them because they kept changing their minds about their wills, legacy and house contents. *Until then my parents and had been in discussion with me about leaving me a legacy, before remainder of their estate then split equally between me and my siblings. *Legacy was acknowledgement for x years of care I had given them. *This caused deep resentment from siblings and accusations that I was disinheriting them, only cared about money, etc. *My parents were upset and conflicted by my siblings claims they were being disinherited (or so I thought), so when my parents asked me to forego the legacy, rather than see them upset I agreed. *This is even though my financial situation was pretty dire by this stage. *I was doing much of the caring (with help of carers, but no help from siblings). *Siblings said more or less it was my duty because I was not working and they had to work. I would have liked to have gone back to work but my mother wanted me to be there for her because she was so very ill and for years. *I had become pretty downtrodden too over the years so I think I just accepted situation as my rotten lot. *My siblings continued to be unkind and unreasonable towards me and my children after the death of first parent - refusing to sanction usual small gifts for children's 16th and 18th birthdays (milestone birthdays not acknowledged by my siblings, which was deeply upsetting for my children and for me), same for Christmas ... at which celebrations remaining parent (suffering from dementia but aware of what was happening which makes it so much more painful) was present (siblings invited but didn't come!), gifts of size as parent had always given and which as attorneys we siblings could have continued making on remaining parent's behalf ... Then*one day, during heated discussion with one sibling because it was coming up to my youngest 15th birthday and I wanted make a gift on behalf of remaining parent, sibling said she managed his cash flow and parent couldn't afford to make gifts so I asked to see remaining parent's list of investments inc values/number of shares, rather than just a list of companies - they denied my request and told me*parent's solicitor might not have said I was acting illegally but suggested solicitor thought I was acting immorally by wanting to make gifts on parent's behalf! [NB. don't need advice re gifting because I had previously already run possible gifts passed my parent's solicitor and OPG, no advice about how the three of us siblings can act as attorneys jointly and severally as I know I was not doing anything illegal or immoral cos ok'd by solicitor and OPG too]. *Sibling then very gleefully preceded to tell me I was immoral because ..... my husband was a MULTI MILLIONAIRE!!! Sibling told me they had obtained market research report from their work's marketing database which showed my husband earned £££! multiple millions £££! every year. *Sibling even emailed me a copy of the marketing report! *Sibling told me I had misrepresented my financial situation to my parents *... but that the sibling had been able to "reassure" our parents that I did not need any money/legacy because I was a multi millionaire (and presumably left my parents thinking I was a liar, which is another very deeply hurtful thought). My sibling's admission did and continues to completely floor me (and my husband). *Husband*sent the marketing report to his accountant and accountant contacted marketing company. *Turns out sibling had misinterpreted the "DERIVED turnover" figure as actual turnover - "Derived" in context of marketing report means a company in that given market sector "might be able to turn over x amount or is a market average which might be able to be achieved with the right financial/legal/marketing expenditure" and should only be used for targeted marketing purposes by someone who knows how to interpret the marketing report and isn't based on a company's filings with companies house. *My question is: *(notwithstanding issue of sibling's misuse of company data) is sibling's admission that they used the "derived turnover" figure to "reassure" my parents that I didn't need the legacy (and that I had misrepresented my financial position to them), sufficient *grounds for me to put in a claim for the legacy during probate process because parents were unduly influenced by the sibling? I am pretty certain my sibling told others inc family friends we were multi millionaires because of what friends said to me before all this came to light and now it all makes sense - I couldn't understand why friends said we were loaded at the time *... I even told husband at the time and he laughed too - I'm not laughing now. *BTW: I spoke to my parent's solicitor today (I actually like her and think she is in a very difficult position) - she says she was satisfied in the end that my parents came to their own decision about the legacy, side letters, wills etc - however, she didn't know what my sibling had told my parents about me being a multimillionaire - that she did not suggest to my sister that I was acting immorally - parents' solicitor ended by saying I would need independent legal advice due to conflict of interest if I wanted to pursue claim for legacy ... Well, I have no money to pay for legal advice cos I'm skint and out of work ... had just started temping to get me back into work and got "let go" cos of C-19 virus [don't want legal advice about being let go cos that's just life] *Last but not least - believe it or not .... sibling who thinks I am a multi millionaire is ..... a .... solicitor! *I am copyrighting this saga cos its going to make a really good true story book/film/play when I get round to writing it. Any film producer/directors want to offer me an advance?*
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  • #2
    Suggest you edit your post and put in paragraphs. I certainly gave up after the first few lines


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