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Wrongly issued CCJ

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  • Wrongly issued CCJ

    so me and my partner looking to move and upon the credit search it comes back with a CCJ from 2017, from a parking charge company in another city.
    so I chase the relevant authorities and avenues and find out that the CCJ is for a vehicle I owned 2 years ago that was written off on the 17th May 2017. The same day the salvage company took it away on a wagon as it was ‘un- driveable’.*
    The issue is that the parking charges were issued 3 months after this vehicle I used to own was written off! Meaning somebody else has managed to Buy it from the salvage company and make it roadworthy then continued to use it. this would be fine however, there was 15 parking tickets issued over a 1 month period to the van and suddenly I have a CCJ worth £1700 on my credit file.
    .as you can imagine I was quite shocked as I had no letter, phone calls or any communication what so ever but they were able to take me to court without my knowledge and issue a CCJ? And they did have the correct address in their file.

    so current day almost 3 years later I ring the parking company to dispute this and they are having none of it. So I get proof via a letter/certificate from both the DVLA and the salvage company and send it to the parking company. This proof shows that I was no longer the owner of that vehicle as of the 17th May 2017 - some 3 months before the tickets were issued. Again the company refused to do anything. So I go to their online appeals system and I cannot take any action or ‘no actions available’ is what’s stated. So I can’t event appeal it through this avenue.*

    please help as I am unsure where I stand and this is and has been affecting my credit file.
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  • #2
    You will have to apply for the judgement to be set aside.* You only have a short time to do it and it will cost £255, though for the potential cost otherwise it would be worth it and you can apply to have that sum refunded by the parking company because of their error.

    Others on here are more experienced on this so wait for them to respond


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