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Parking fine

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  • Parking fine

    I was in an ANPR car park- when I got to the machine it did not recognize my car. it asked me how long I was there- I keyed in one hour because that is what I thought I was there for. I was there a day before as well and on my way out it showed up my car on the screen and informed me how much to pay. A few days later I got a letter from the parking eye to say- that I was in the car park and had not paid- so a fine of £100. thankfully I had a receipt in my bag and appealed. Unfortunately, this*was squashed because then they went on to say that they have checked their books and that I was there for 1hr and 32 min - I would like to appeal to POPLA, just because this is an unfair amount considering the first day I was told exactly what to pay on departure but on the second It didn't come up and I had underpaid. I had not seen the time because I was very worried about a relative in ITU. What I really need to know is- is it worth the effort.
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  • #2
    If this was a hospital then contact PALS


    • #3
      That is a good idea but will this influence the fine at all. I am not sure and with Coronavirus etc no idea if I will get a reply in time. Anyhow, I will do it, this Company should not trouble any other relative or patients.


      • #4
        It's not a fine, it's an invoice.* Why should you suffer because their equipment had failed to recognise your car.* PALS can tell the parking company to cancel the fine, especially when you mention ITU


        • #5
          Originally posted by ostell View Post
          It's not a fine, it's an invoice. Why should you suffer because their equipment had failed to recognise your car. PALS can tell the parking company to cancel the fine, especially when you mention ITU
          Thank you so much Ostell, I have spoken to PALs and they have given me an email to write- I will write to them as well and also now I have replied to POPLA because this is what has been suggested.
          ICAS- it is a branch of PALS i think at UHCoventry- there was a lady who is also a member of citizine advice Bureau, suggested I write that I have been mistreated, and I am not expected to keep a log of time considering Parking Eye at Coventry hospitals advertise that they have ANPR system. I will update you when I hear anything. I am not expecting any mercy from POPLA ( gut instinct)


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