I fell foul of a SORN fine last year. I had forgotten to change our address with the DVLA and just got a fine in the post. It wasn't clear what it was for (no reference to SORN/insurance), so took me a little while to get feedback what it was about, and after a period of about 2 weeks and various emails, I realised I'd messed up, payed the fine and on 1st Oct declared our car SORN(it was un-driven on our drive). Just recently we received a Justice Procedure Notice stating I am:
* * 'the registered keeper on 17/10/2019. The vehicle did not meet the statutory insurance requirements'.
Given that we'd paid the fine, and the car was SORNed as of the 1st Oct, I assumed this was an error and pleaded not guilty by post. I thought this would get thrown out, but now I have been given a court summons. This seems a bit crazy I am getting done for this twice. I'm also concerned that given I pleaded not guilty, I am going to get a conviction, despite the SJP being very vague about when the crime was committed. The docs they send also described why I might have received the SJP:
- failed to respond to, or pay the fixed penalty from the DVLA
- committed this offence for the second time
- been unsuccessful in your appeal against the fixed penalty
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
I fell foul of a SORN fine last year. I had forgotten to change our address with the DVLA and just got a fine in the post. It wasn't clear what it was for (no reference to SORN/insurance), so took me a little while to get feedback what it was about, and after a period of about 2 weeks and various emails, I realised I'd messed up, payed the fine and on 1st Oct declared our car SORN(it was un-driven on our drive). Just recently we received a Justice Procedure Notice stating I am:
* * 'the registered keeper on 17/10/2019. The vehicle did not meet the statutory insurance requirements'.
Given that we'd paid the fine, and the car was SORNed as of the 1st Oct, I assumed this was an error and pleaded not guilty by post. I thought this would get thrown out, but now I have been given a court summons. This seems a bit crazy I am getting done for this twice. I'm also concerned that given I pleaded not guilty, I am going to get a conviction, despite the SJP being very vague about when the crime was committed. The docs they send also described why I might have received the SJP:
- failed to respond to, or pay the fixed penalty from the DVLA
- committed this offence for the second time
- been unsuccessful in your appeal against the fixed penalty
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks