Hi there, I have just read a similar thread to the above and wondered if someone could advise re actions available to me. *Last week, I was went into a coffee shop to pick up a takeaway coffee. This coffee shop is on a small retail park, and I noticed all the bays were full. As such I park at the side of the car park(no yellow lines or on road restrictions and no obvious parking notices) It was near a hatched area but I made sure I was well away from this so as to give any delivery driver ample room for access and egress. *I returned to the car 5 minutes later to find a ticket on the windscreen, and an attendant scurrying off. *Needless to say we had a frank discussion regarding him issuing a ticket, regardless of what I described above. *I intended to appeal straight away, and went onto their website to register the appeal, but after inputting the ticket number and car registration, I was informed something was incorrect. *I put that down to the attendant not having submitted the details before I went onto the web site. *After a long week, I have revisited the appeals page and again inputted the details, again only for it not to recognise the details. *Upon closer inspection I have noted that the attendant has put down one of the digits incorrectly. *Due to this, is the ticket valid as I have a cherished plate and the number he has recorded is wrong. *In the circumstances, I was wanting to appeal the original ticket, but as the parking charge is faulty, is this the right course of action. *As I said above, whilst I wasn’t parked in a bay due to lack of them, I made sure I wasn’t causing any type of obstruction and there was no obvious signage nearby. *Any advice would be gratefully received.
UKPC Ticket with wrong registration.
So as they do not know the identity of the driver they will attempt to claim from the registered keeper. When they ask for the keeper details from the DVLA, after day 28, then there will be none as the number is incorrect. They will then look at the photos and realise their mistake and ask for the correct details again. They will then issue a Notice to Keeper but as there was no corresponding Notice to Driver with those details on they have failed to deliver to the keeper within 14 days and therefore the keeper cannot be held liable.
So get editing your post so that the identity of the driver cannot be inferred (they read forums!). Use "the driver........." etc. And please put some paragraphs in !!
And the details on a NTD and NTK have to be the same to comply with the requirements of POFA so they can never get that correct.
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