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CCJ PCN working onsite, please help

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  • CCJ PCN working onsite, please help

    Hi all,

    I am new here so please point me to the appropriate forum if needed and any advice would be appreciated. In November of 2017 I was working as a retail assistant for HomeBargains , at this point I had done so for 7 years. I was asked by the store manager at the time to go and help at another store in preparation for the grand opening. The shift lasted approximately 8 hour and in the following days I received a Parking charge notice for that day as I overstayed the maximum 2 hours. I should mention at the time the site at which this store was located was new and so there were no signs that were visible stipulating the Parking terms or duration. I approached management and explained the problem and was reassured that this is often a common problem and could be rectified with a simple email sent to the Parking landlords (ParkingEye). To cut a long story short, at each stage in which the fine escalated I was fed the same reassurance that this would be taken care of as I followed company procedure in alerting the appropriate member of management to deal with the PCN as I was working on site. A CCJ was issued and so again I approached management and once again they reiterated to me that this Is obviously now serious and would rectify this. In hindsight I now know once the CCJ is issued that it is the responsibility of the registered vehicle keeper to action the notice but my naivety led me to believe that this was taken care of by the company as no more correspondence was made. Fast forward to October 2019 and to my horror I see the CCJ remains, now, finishing university and working in the NHS I have spent the past 3 months corresponding with Home Bargains to find a resolve to this in the hope they would admit liability of some sort or assist me in potentially setting aside this CCJ due to this persons negligence in not quashing this fine in the first instance.. After a lot of back and forth and despite having ex colleagues who could corroborate my approaches to management (including current management) I have been told where to go due to the person having left the company after being sacked and seemingly left no evidence to back my claims. . My question really is , do I have a chance in getting this set aside despite the time that has passed given I was working on site ? or is getting it set aside or quashed by consent a possibility? or am I fighting a losing battle.?

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