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First post - Hello & in need of a specialist solicitor for motoring

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  • First post - Hello & in need of a specialist solicitor for motoring

    Hi All,*

    Desperately seeking a solicitor that specialises in parking, motoring charges. (Non criminalised, PCN’s, Congestion charging etc) in short, we are running down the companies we own and starting to sell off vehicles and assets. We’ve closed our main office where post used to go and moved to new smaller premises. In that move some fines have got lost/gone un paid etc. Also we’ve offloaded some vehicles to a sister company. They have not been quick to send off the V5’s and one vehicle has been clamped, and consequently been impounded. The Baillifs are claiming an array of charges that we have certainly not seen any documentation for. Some may be valid, but others may be out of time, or notice to owner not seen etc. All a bit of a mess, but we are getting no where and the vehicle is picking up costs daily. Marston Holdings are the Baillif, no help what so ever. Haven’t yet sent over any documentation and refused to at the scene ! *They have not responded to emails since taking possession of the vehicle 5 days ago, and three calls to their offices have not been answered. We would rather just hand this matter to a solicitor, but a Google search shows no real specialists in this field. Plenty of introduction firms with great SEO that draw you in, then hand you to a specialist but who then turns own you be a standard solicitor. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance*
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  • #2

    Google not much use for that.
    try the law society search engine:https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/


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