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CCJ claim form received

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  • CCJ claim form received

    Good afternoon to all who may read this and thank you for any replies I receive I have this morning received a letter *from the county court business centre on behalf of Lowell trying *to obtain a CCJ on 2 small mail order debts £129 and £229 I have looked on my credit profile and can see these defaults registered in 2016 I believe the year may have been altered as I’m certain I never had mail order accounts in 2016 I did however have some mail order accounts in 2010 that did default i haven’t acknowledged the debt in any form nor have I responded to the claim form I’m also certain *the defaults definitely didn’t default with the balances claimed maybe £100 or under for both. any help would be greatly appreciated *I have dealt with Lowell in the past and when I asked them to provided a signed CCA they couldn’t provide one only a generic one that I would have signed at the time which I doubt I ever signed one and I think this will be the same scenario*
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