Good morning, I have a Capital One debt dating back to 2013. The account went into official default on the 3 September 2013.* I have not spoke or written to Capital One or Lowell and other creditors since this happened. This morning, I received a letter from Lowell Solicitors informing me of the following, which is news to me:*
on 14 Oct 2016 a CCJ was entered against you for the amount of £829.66 and you were ordered by the court to pay £50.00 monthly. Despite previous efforts to contact you to discuss your CCJ remains in arrears. Our client is there considering further options to enforce the CCJ which may lead to further legal action. Etc.*
I know the debt is statute barred, but I didn't know anything about the CCJ - I have moved address several times since 2013.* So not sure where I stand now. Any help will be appreciated
on 14 Oct 2016 a CCJ was entered against you for the amount of £829.66 and you were ordered by the court to pay £50.00 monthly. Despite previous efforts to contact you to discuss your CCJ remains in arrears. Our client is there considering further options to enforce the CCJ which may lead to further legal action. Etc.*
I know the debt is statute barred, but I didn't know anything about the CCJ - I have moved address several times since 2013.* So not sure where I stand now. Any help will be appreciated