Help required please 6 years ago i filed claim for return of* rent monies given to a landlord, Due to his bankruptcy and not knowing he was i was unable to make a claim with the insolvency company and had to wait until he was released from it, last year i was able to reapply with the courts so with the original amount plus interest has turned into a considerable amount i filed to land registery for an intrim charging order which was granted* i followed all that was asked and served notice,but landlord contested this saying he had no idea who we were and wanted proof that he owed this money and the juage was asking why we took so long in applying, we provided this information to the courts and the landlord. We went to court with all documents and the landlord failed to show up.
The judge read our documents and as landlord had not attended which was stipulated on the hearing notice that he do and defend his greivence, we were granted the order and our claim was placed on the registry as final, the judge assured us that this was her decison and final, and that we will now have to wait for the property to be sold,
she also said that the courts decision was final she said this a couple of times. now all this from start to finish has now been read by 4 Judges, albeit that landlord has refused to pay and or contested the judgments dispite overwhelming evedence that he indeed does owe this money have agreed
So why has he been allowed to lodge another notice to dismiss claiming that he didn't receive any letters from us or the courts telling him to attend also claiming he knows nothing about our greivence which is an odd thing to say seeing that he has contested it from day one and to also say its not his signature on the rent book which matches perfectly with his latest application to dismiss* *He paid a £100 for this application any help as to a way forward would be greatly appreciated* **
The judge read our documents and as landlord had not attended which was stipulated on the hearing notice that he do and defend his greivence, we were granted the order and our claim was placed on the registry as final, the judge assured us that this was her decison and final, and that we will now have to wait for the property to be sold,
she also said that the courts decision was final she said this a couple of times. now all this from start to finish has now been read by 4 Judges, albeit that landlord has refused to pay and or contested the judgments dispite overwhelming evedence that he indeed does owe this money have agreed
So why has he been allowed to lodge another notice to dismiss claiming that he didn't receive any letters from us or the courts telling him to attend also claiming he knows nothing about our greivence which is an odd thing to say seeing that he has contested it from day one and to also say its not his signature on the rent book which matches perfectly with his latest application to dismiss* *He paid a £100 for this application any help as to a way forward would be greatly appreciated* **