Hi, First post here and would be very grateful for some advice. The driver visited cousins in Dartford in March and due to no visitor parking bays available at night (reached around midnight on a Saturday eve,travelling with 2 young ones ) parked sensibly on the pavement with valid permit. Got issued a ticket at 7am on Sunday morning for the same. Driver appealed with PCM but got rejected and was then advised to ignore the letters (bad decision in hindsight). Fast forward to December the driver* received a CCJ as prompted by Gladstone solicitors.Driver has prepared a defence plea based on compassionate ground and the fact that it was too late at night and no visitor parking bays available but is there anything else that can use to help in defence. Have read about the IAS, IPC and Gladstone being owned by the same person but can that be used* that on the plea. Not very good with legal terminology, would that matter when writing the same? Thanks in advance!