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Help me please!!! I'm desperate and panicking!!

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  • Help me please!!! I'm desperate and panicking!!

    Hi All,

    Thank you in advance for every piece of advice or just good word you will throw my way.
    I am a new single mum and have been struggling so much lately, working like crazy yo make ends meet. I have finally managed to bring my mum to stay with me and my son so that I can take on extra work, but still I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

    On Sunday afternoon I made such a huge and stupid stupid stupid mistake that I still can't believe it. I went with my mum and my son to Primark as we both really needed a winter coat. Found them and they were perfect and I think my desperation got to me that I made the very very bad judgement call to try and leave with them without paying.
    I know it was very very bad and a very poor choice, so please don't judge! My mum put one on and I put two for myself in the shopping bag. Bought some other smaller things for which I paid, but of course I was a wreck and security caught on to it and stopped me.
    My mum had already gone out, with the one on her, and I was stopped with the bag with the other two coats. They took me downstairs in a room and took my details. I was so scared and had a panic attack and had to clm down.

    They said that because it was my first offence nd I was honest and admitted trying to take them they will not call the police, which they didn't. In the end they concluded that if I pay for the two coats they would let me go. Security was actually nice and polite, store manager and a supervisor not so much. I was so afraid to tell them about my mum because I was afraid they would call the police and take my son away.
    When we all went to the till in the end, the supervisor that had been with us all the way, scanned the coats and bag and the ( very odd ) they cut off all tags and labels, even the material ones. When I was due to put my card in the card machine it said Training Mode, which I found very strange so I told her, the supervisor, and she said Yes, I know. I put my card in, asked for my pin but I didn't manage to put all of it in as it already said Authorised. I remember seeing a receipt and it going into the bag, but I was in such a bad state that don't remember wht happened next.
    Still at the till, the head of security said that if I walked out now and didn't come back, all will be lright and nothing will happen to me. But if I returned I would be in a world of pain.
    So they escorted me out and I remember I kep saying thank you thank you thank you.

    This was Sunday, but to this day ( Tuesday ), the charge did not appear on my card. And I am so so scared and in panic that they will look on CCTV and see my mum too, that for 3 days almost I am not able to sleep, eat or calm my nerves.
    Have been trying to call continously since Monday morning to make sure they have the card details and take the money, but nobody ever answers. I am so so scared to go back and try and give them the card to pay.

    Please anybody just give me your opinion. If you don't have an advice or just a kind word to say, please just abstain - I am killing and judging myself enough over this!
    Thank you very much.

  • #2
    Oh dear, well, at least we don't have to worry about you telling your mum and getting a bollocking…

    Don't do it again ! You will be absolutely fine, nothing else will happen - no police, no cctv checking /// you might get an invoice from a private company acting on Primark's behalf which you can ignore, but that should be that - you've been lucky.

    Did you keep the coats in the end? ( it does seem slightly odd that they cut out the labels ( though maybe so you couldn't return them) and went through a training mode payment - maybe they simply wanted you to have the coats anyway ) Have you still got the receipt they put in the bag?

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