I disgusted at the way I have been treated concerning two penalty charges I received this.
i was put on my medication in 2016 when I had a heart problem
i was living in wales at the time and lived in north wales for 42 years. I never paid for my medication as prescription charges are excempt in wales.
so when I moved to Derbyshire after I got married I was still getting my medication but I had to buy a certificate
nobody explained that I could get a 12 month certificate
i was getting 6 months at a time without any problems
tge problem started this year when I had keyhole surgery on my heart I paid my certificate up to June
but not realising my certificate was not Valid I was fined
for get my medication I paid most of of but soon after my 60th birthday in july. I received another penalty fine for
medication my wife had picked up for me but this time
I didnnt need it because my heart consultion told me I didn’t need to take any more medication so on my next visit to the heart and chest hospital in Liverpool I handed all my medication to the Pham cavy at the hospital. I explain that this was a genuine mistake by my wife on collecting the medication so I appealed against it
twice and I received a email telling me my appeal was unsuccessful and that they have had a surcharge of 52.00 on my fine this is disgusting
I look at the website and I read that I should of been informed before 60th birthday that I should of been informed about my certicate running out nobody told me that my was running out otherwise I would of paid the 35.00 instead now I having to pay
over 300 for penalty charge tickets which I have paid 100.00
surly there’s other people out there having the same trouble
i been so stressed with it that my AF as come back and now I will have to go back on medication but this time I wouldn’t need to worry about fines because I am 60 years old.
i was put on my medication in 2016 when I had a heart problem
i was living in wales at the time and lived in north wales for 42 years. I never paid for my medication as prescription charges are excempt in wales.
so when I moved to Derbyshire after I got married I was still getting my medication but I had to buy a certificate
nobody explained that I could get a 12 month certificate
i was getting 6 months at a time without any problems
tge problem started this year when I had keyhole surgery on my heart I paid my certificate up to June
but not realising my certificate was not Valid I was fined
for get my medication I paid most of of but soon after my 60th birthday in july. I received another penalty fine for
medication my wife had picked up for me but this time
I didnnt need it because my heart consultion told me I didn’t need to take any more medication so on my next visit to the heart and chest hospital in Liverpool I handed all my medication to the Pham cavy at the hospital. I explain that this was a genuine mistake by my wife on collecting the medication so I appealed against it
twice and I received a email telling me my appeal was unsuccessful and that they have had a surcharge of 52.00 on my fine this is disgusting
I look at the website and I read that I should of been informed before 60th birthday that I should of been informed about my certicate running out nobody told me that my was running out otherwise I would of paid the 35.00 instead now I having to pay
over 300 for penalty charge tickets which I have paid 100.00
surly there’s other people out there having the same trouble
i been so stressed with it that my AF as come back and now I will have to go back on medication but this time I wouldn’t need to worry about fines because I am 60 years old.