Hi, I was stopped & caught by a Primark security guard Fri 6th Sept. I blatantly put stuff in my bag not 5ft away. I have mental issues, (ex stage 3cancer patient) & also lots of very very stressful family issues, which I'm having to manage on my own. I understand the security officer has a job to do. I felt totally intimidated, & he made out I was being totally hostile. He called the police & kept me detained for 2.5 hrs while waiting for police to attend & continually contacting them for update & how hostile I was. This is not true. I wanted to get caught as I didn't want to face or do what was immediate in my life. I volunteered to go to police station for interview & got a community order? Luckily I had a very understanding officer, whom exclaimed he had been thinking about my theft before he came on duty, as I did have the money to pay. I just lost myself. He asked me to write letter of apology to store & I'm wondering if this is obligatory? I still feel very violated by the security officer & traumatised & at the same time understand his job. Please can you advise on letter & fine? Thank you
Primark Theft
So it is not a fine.
In the UK only the courts levy fines.
What you will receive is a letter from an outfit called Retail Loss Prevention (RLP), asking you to pay probably about £150.
This is just an invoice, and should be ignored as should the follow up letters they will send
These letters are written in legal type language and are designed to scare you into paying their demands , which have no basis in law.
They will threaten court action, but it never happens as they lost their last case some seven years ago.
Come back here if you need reassurance
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Court Claim ?
Guides and LettersSHORTCUTS
Pre-Action Letters
First Steps
Check dates
Acknowledge Claim
CCA Request
CPR 31.14 Request
Subject Access Request Letter
Example Defence
Set Aside Application
Witness Statements
Directions Questionnaire
Statute Barred Letter
Voluntary Termination: Letter Templates
A guide to voluntary termination: Your rights