If someone owed a debt of 40k. If for example around 10k had been paid off and between 1-3k could be argued. Would issuing a stat demand for 20k be a reasonable request or would it be set aside for not going down other protocols?
A follow in question would be. If there was 20k still owing without contest when stat demand issued 4 years after f & f due, could interest be charged on that 20k figure and added on and if so at what rate?.
Original debt was from a large interest free personal loan due to be paid back as a lump sum on 3rd anniversary
Thanks all
A follow in question would be. If there was 20k still owing without contest when stat demand issued 4 years after f & f due, could interest be charged on that 20k figure and added on and if so at what rate?.
Original debt was from a large interest free personal loan due to be paid back as a lump sum on 3rd anniversary
Thanks all