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Shoplifting asda

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  • Shoplifting asda

    Hello, I got caught shoplifting at asda a few days ago, I know I shouldn't do it and I will never do it again.. I am a single mother with 2 very young children to look after and no one can help me out which I am suffering from depression after me and the children's father broke up (we never got married) , and there father is from another country with all his money being transfer back to his country and had left me his phone bills contract and rents to pay which is all under my name. He ran off with another woman back to his country.
    That day before I was shoplifting my grandfather died and I took my youngest daughter to a hospital for a check up, my head was blank most of the time and always burst into tears, my daughter was hungry and start crying so we went to the Asda nearby the hospital and I bought her a sandwich, she was happily with her sandwich in her mouth and I was blank again wondering around the store with her on the pushchair, I start to pick up clothes and toys and put it into the bag which hanging on the pushchair, then I went to pay for the other items which did not fix into the bag..
    And I got stop by the security guy at the door, he ask have I paid for the items in my bag, I say sorry and can I pay it now, then he take me to a room and I signed a forms witn my name and address, he took a few photo of me and I went to pay for the items cost £120...(the money I have been saving for buying my son September school uniform) Them a security guy walk with me back to my car and take a photo of my car and with my car registration.
    He then told me that I am banned from all Asda store and my car is banned to any Asda store car park.
    But when I sat in the car I realized I put the right address down but with the wrong postcode. Would this be any problem?
    They didn't call the police but will this comes up when I am having a CRB check? I just had a friend told me if I want to fix into the children school hours in the future I better look for care work.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    It won't show on a CRB ( DBS ) check. You haven't been charged with any offence, only banned from Asda. You paid for the goods. No police were called. So do not worry.

    Don't worry about the ban, though it might be a pain till you get used to not going there. Cheaper shopping at Lidl/Aldi. Tesco/Morrisons etc do School Uniform at good prices too.

    The wrong postcode will only affect you receiving speculative invoices from a third party company engaged by ASDA, but tbh they'd probably look it up or the post office would and you'll eventually get a letter ( which you can ignore ).

    This phone contract of your ex's - do you know what the contract period is and when that comes to an end? Has he taken the phone with him ? If he has, and has gone overseas, it might be a good idea to ensure there is a spending CAP set up on the phone, or block international numbers etc. Soon as it's out of the 12/18 month etc contract period you can get it cancelled.

    Have you been to CAB or anything to look over your finances and check you are getting everything you are entitled to ?

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply, my ex contract is going to end at November which cost me £51 each month, I have lock the phone and has been applying for benefits and is looking for houses that will accept benefits... Its really hard to find 2 rooms at a low price and will accept ppl who live with benefits.
      But at least the stupid thing I have done it won't affect me for finding job in the future. Thanks again.


      • #4
        Sorry I have one more question, because I have written a wrong postcode, what if the letter has returned back to them? Will they hold this point and take me to court?


        • #5
          What are they going to take you to court for? There has been no loss. They can only claim for an alleged loss. The last time they tried court the judge gave them a good boot up the backside and they haven't tried since. Search for RLP Oxford to find a transcript in these forums


          • #6
            Hi can someone help me, I am ashamed to say I got caught taking a jumper from Asda without paying. The security man was very nice and he took my details and said he won’t phone police or ban me but they have to take my details for their record. I’m now really worried the police will turn up at my house etc. What happens now?


            • #7
              The police won't turn up on your doorstep, but you will most likely receive a series of demands from an inaptly called civil recovery firm.
              These should be ignored, even though they threaten court and all sorts of things.

              And please, next time you post a query on a forum, do start your own thread and not hijack an existing thread as it can cause confusion.


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