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Hello All - A Few Problems Here

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  • Hello All - A Few Problems Here

    Hi everyone.

    This looks a very informative forum, which I'm sure I'll enjoy perusing, when I'm not getting stressed about my own legal matters lol.

    Can anyone tell me if there is a search function please? I can't seem to find it, although unsure if it's because I've not quite fully woken up yet so it could be blindingly obvious.

    I've got two issues going on at the moment. One is with my employer (a major UK company) who are imposing a new contract. This contract will be breaking UK Working Time Regulations and I am just looking for a template of a letter I can write to them. I have already discussed the issue with my manager who said he can't believe a company as large as they are, would make such a mistake, but I have spoken to Acas who informs me that they would be breaking the regulations.

    My other issue is more complicated and involves a gym breaking their contract. Which area of the forum would I need to post with that issue please?

    Thanks for looking.
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  • #2
    Hiya, search bar is at the top on right hand side, no doubt someone will be along at some point to help with the other matters....


    • #3
      Thanks for that Aukey. Think I'd been looking before I had logged in maybe. It's plain as day now.


      • #4
        Hi Fayth, Welcome

        You can post about the employment issue here

        On the gym issue - how have they breached the contract ?

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        • #5
          Thanks for the reply Amethyst.

          The gym, I feel has breached their contract by moving to the other side of the city (I chose the gym because of the location being easy to access) and also losing some amenities such as the sauna and steam room.

          The gym deliberately misled members about the move claiming the gym was closing to be refurbished only about two weeks before it was going to shut. They only told members then, because a rival gym had posted about it so people were questioning them. They were still taking on new members and not telling them they would be closing that gym not long before that.

          The gym has allowed me to cancel, but my dispute is a fee I paid of £47. This was because the gym's offer was £3.99 a week, but the Direct Debit was £16 a month, which left an outstanding amount of around a month's payment each year. The price was tied in for 3 years so I paid the £47 to cover those 3 years (hope this makes sense).

          The gym won't refund me saying they employed a promoter to deal with the customers and it was them that I paid the £47 to. I don't dispute they did that but there is nothing on the paperwork that tells me that and these promoters were wearing the game's clothing, with the deal done in the gym.

          Just wondering if I had any chance of getting that £47 back since I was only able to use the club for less than three months, and if I did, who would I claim from. The gym, or the finance company who I paid the DD to?

          Sorry it's so long and complicated.


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