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Driving Licence Appeal

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  • Driving Licence Appeal

    On the first visit to my new doctor, following a house move, he told me I should give up my driving licence. I did not do this as I felt he was very heavy handed and knew nothing about me. Subsequently he wrote to DVLA and I had to hand in my driving licence. I have been to the magistrates court to appeal this decision. I quote from the letter to me from DVLA. The preliminary hearing has gone ahead. "The DVLA doctor has informed me that you first came to the attention of the Drivers' Medical Department in Dec 2018, following receipt of third party notification from a reliable source rising concerns of excessive drinking to the quantity of 230 units per week and abnormal liver tests, which were considered likely to be due to alcohol. Furthermore, you had been informed to stop working and driving." I accept that following a devastating personal circumstance I had been drinking more than usual but I deny emphatically ever consuming 230 units per week. I never drank in the day. I counted my units and left the appropriate amount of time before I drove the following day. The second doctor at the practice I saw, and one week following my first, visit did not seem as concerned about me needing to give up driving. I would welcome any constructive comment please. How to present my case? Where I should seek independent medical advice from and any other useful comment? I do not have much money but I have visited several solicitors in my area and, so far, all say - not the kind of case we do. West Yorkshire area. Any help and advice will be very welcome please. Thank you.
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  • #2
    No worries, no replies. I have got access to my recent medical test results which show normal liver function and normal levels of whatever it is they measure to check alcohol consumption so I will supply this to DVLA and hopefully resolve it without the need for a court hearing.


    • #3
      Sorry I missed your first post.

      Did the DVLA require an examination by one of their appointed doctors?
      If so did he carry out a CDT test?
      If so what was the result?

      I see you now have the result of certain blood tests.
      If these were from your own doctor the DVLA will most likely require you to have further tests done by their own doctor.

      If revocation of licence was due to (alleged) alcohol misuse then a minimum period of six months controlled drinking or abstinence is needed as well as normalisation of blood readings before a licence is reissued.

      But good luck anyway


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