Hello Leagle Eagles
i have received a Claim Form dated 05th June from with Lowell Portfolio as the Claimants and note that I am required to respond, enter my employment details and request an extension of time. It also states do I admit full liability or enter an amount that I am liable for.
Lowell initially sent letters and it was passed on to Lowell Solicitors, the overdraft is from 2013/2014 however Lowell state 2015 in their correspondence.
What do I need to do? I searched through this site and note a previous user had a similar issue, had to enter an intend to defend on a separate website as advised by yourselves but did not enter a defence and the judgement was made (I understand the user did not know he had to also enter a defence)
I can see on the claim form the money claim website is listed a well as a password of which I will proceed to at least select the intend to defend in full option.
The particulate of the claim simply state:
1) That I entered in to a current account and what the reference (agreement number was)
2) I failed to maintain payments so service was terminated
3) The Agreenent was assigned on 24/11/2015 to the claimant by Bank of Scotland and notice given to myself
4) Despiterepeated requests the sum is still outstanding
a) Outlines what the sum is
b) interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum
c) costs
In terms of a defence, how does one do this and what do I say? Do I complete the associated paper form and send back or is the completion on money claim suffice?
I just want to ensure I cover all angles.
Thank you in advance.
i have received a Claim Form dated 05th June from with Lowell Portfolio as the Claimants and note that I am required to respond, enter my employment details and request an extension of time. It also states do I admit full liability or enter an amount that I am liable for.
Lowell initially sent letters and it was passed on to Lowell Solicitors, the overdraft is from 2013/2014 however Lowell state 2015 in their correspondence.
What do I need to do? I searched through this site and note a previous user had a similar issue, had to enter an intend to defend on a separate website as advised by yourselves but did not enter a defence and the judgement was made (I understand the user did not know he had to also enter a defence)
I can see on the claim form the money claim website is listed a well as a password of which I will proceed to at least select the intend to defend in full option.
The particulate of the claim simply state:
1) That I entered in to a current account and what the reference (agreement number was)
2) I failed to maintain payments so service was terminated
3) The Agreenent was assigned on 24/11/2015 to the claimant by Bank of Scotland and notice given to myself
4) Despiterepeated requests the sum is still outstanding
a) Outlines what the sum is
b) interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum
c) costs
In terms of a defence, how does one do this and what do I say? Do I complete the associated paper form and send back or is the completion on money claim suffice?
I just want to ensure I cover all angles.
Thank you in advance.