Hi I am being taken to small claims court by lowell for an alleged loan dating back to 1998 which they claim defaulted in 2000. I first got a letter in July 2018 claiming I owed this debt, after a few more letters from lowell I responded asking for proof of this debt as I had no knowledge of said debt. I never got a reply from lowell. I have also stated to lowell that due to dates this debt would be statute barred again no reply. Letters kept coming and I sent same response asking for proof of debt and not statute barred. I received court forms from Northampton County Court business centre which I filled in stating I was defending the claim as I had no knowledge of the debt and believed it to be statute barred. I received a letter from lowell saying debt was not statute barred as a payment had been made on account in September 2014 (no it has not) I replied asking for proof of payment again nothing back from lowell. I have received notification that this case is being moved to my local court for hearing and to send my defence to both court and lowell. Can anyone please help me with set out of defence.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance