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Fixed Penalty notice arrived after 25 days

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  • Fixed Penalty notice arrived after 25 days

    Hello, a NEWBIE.
    As registered keeper of a Van, I received FCN from Council Enforcement dated the 9th May 2019 for an incident on 5th May 2019. I wasnt the driver at the said time,but this should have been sent within 14 days of the incident. It was received only on the 4th June and the date on the envelope is 03/6/19. It says that I can’t appeal but can make a representation on the council website.I wondered how to word this in a representation so wondered if there was a template I could use - I do not want to "get it wrong".
    I look forward to any responses.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    PCN time limit for issuing is 28 days from date of incident.... so they still out of time.

    Just send a nice polite letter include copy of envelope and invite them to cancel it.
    Do not lose that envelope!


    • #3
      It is not a PCN it is a FPN


      • #4
        Are we talking about a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) or a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

        What exactly have you received? It sounds like it is a Notice to Owner, which is sent to the registered keeper when no informal challenge has been made after the issue of a PCN.


        • #5


          • #6
            It’s not a PCN and this is the first letter I received.


            • #7
              639 cranbrook Road is a bus stop, so that's presumably the wilful obstruction bit:

              What's the driver's recollection, was he handed an fpn at the time?

              At the moment it's on their website as £100

              AFAIK there is no appeals procedure for fpn's, if you do nothing it's likely to end up in court and a lot more expensive.

              All you can do is to write enclosing a copy of the envelope explaining that it would be physically impossible to pay the reduced amount 10 days before they posted their letter.


              • #8
                Thanks. The driver was loading recycle cardboard from the shop


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