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dvla revocation of license

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  • dvla revocation of license

    Hi to all at LegalBeagles and all users of the site. Briefly in 2015 I was taken into hospital after I had one too many to drink. I had was going through a life changing event at the time of all this. Police called to local pub where I had been drinking all night. I had bloodied nose after I drove my car into the pub car park rock wall. The landlord took me into the pub and locked up my car(I was never driving on a public road), not that in anyway justifies it. Someone informed the police saying I was doing wheel spins around the car park(totally untrue), and car park is only one and half times the length of normal size car and as stated they attended. I was taken outside by the police and passed out hitting my head on the gravel floor, I woke briefly to a police officer forcing a breath test tube into my throat. The Ambulance paramedic said to the police he's in no fit state to be giving a breath test he is now in our care. Off to hospital. Few days later Police rang me and said we have a witness that says you were driving . I said really then please come and charge me with this false allegation and drink driving. No charges were brought but the police officer of that night informed dvla that I was in his opinion unfit to drive. Yes I was unfit but never drove on the road or put anyone else's life in danger . Stupid thing to do anyway by getting in car but no police or witness to my doing silly thing, needless to say a few days later my license was revoked and I had to take a dvla medical test after 1 year of being abstinent form alcohol. That was easy as i'm not a heavy drinker at the best of times. since 2015 I have had and passed 2 dvla medicals and had a 1 year license issued each time my last test was Feburary 2019I knew I would pass but the dvla wrote and told me not to drive as I had ongoing problems with alcohol. Utter rubbish. Anyway I had a CDT of 1.9. The Chief Health Officer states that a license will not be issued if a person/s reading is above the stated limit of 2.2 CDT.For all information on this visit www.drinkdriving.org Dvla confirmed. that the Traffic Light System they use is very much active in todays testing. My Dr has said he will write to the dvla as he believes the decision is wrong and I'm fit to drive as stated in their own fitness to drive regulations. Also I have had no driving offences or criminal convictions ever,also no police hospital treatment or GP involvement regarding drinking what so ever,and for the past 45 months I have been trying to just live my life as a normal human being(whatever normal is), but I feel my life cannot be enjoyed as I am always being judged and regulated by the dvla Sorry my post is long but that's everything. Sincerely Tim
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  • #2

    To save time paraphrasing have a look at this site https://www.motorists-lawyer.co.uk/c...evocation.rhtm
    It explains the way DVLA deal with revocations and your way to challenge their decision, ending with an appeal to the magistrates court.
    Good luck

    PS you were driving under the influence in a public place, which in the eyes of the law is as much an offence as driving on the road.
    At least you weren't fined and don't a DR10 on your licence!


    • #3
      Thank you.


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