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TFL Red Route CCTV PCN Issued - Code 46

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  • TFL Red Route CCTV PCN Issued - Code 46

    Hello Forum Members,

    I have just joined this forum motivated by a success story of another PCN related to Urban Clearway. Attached is a photo of the PCN with two images from CCTV camera as evidence of contravention. I was returning home from with my wife from her midwife's appointment (which involved taking quite a few tubes of blood for gestational diabetes and other tests). She is anemic. She showed significant symptoms of low blood pressure and needed water from the rear seat of the car and some snack. As i was driving on a busy road turn left into a close and waited in a white dotted parking bay in the close (no other lines inside the bay). Unaware that by stopping i was breaking any rules.

    5 days later, i had this PCN in the post. I went back to the spot and took a few photos (some attached) and then looked at the image on PCN.

    One thing that i believe is not right and the reason i failed to notice the restriction is the sign next to the Parking bay was not facing the oncoming traffic resulting me not noticing it. Google street view shows that this sign has been not clearly facing the oncoming traffic at least since FEB 2018. While i have called TFL to provide me with video footage and images they have as evidence, I genuinely believe that the fact the sign is not facing oncoming traffic is not consistent with the regulation and therefore this alleged contravention cannot be enforced.

    The sign is still facing away. Have photos to prove that.

    Can really do with some helpful advice to fight this PCN.

    Many thanks

    Last edited by help_please; 29th March 2019, 17:50:PM. Reason: Uploaded Image of Parking Bay sign
    Tags: None

  • #2
    As well as concentrating on your medical emergency you could well point out the poor signage.
    As it was not really clear unless you alighted from your car (which you did not) one would not expect a cul de sac to be designated as either a red route for buses (as it is not actually on a bus route and there are no bus stops sited in the cul de sac) nor is it a major clearway. (but just to let you know the side streets opening on to red routes are also designated in an attempt to stop traffic backing up at the junction and so causing delays ... no need to let the tribunal know that you know that!)

    You might find this link revealing: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/reque...ichoke_place_s

    Pepipoo might have better advice http://www.pepipoo.com


    • #3
      But the clearway signage, the red line, is stopped for the duration of the marked parking bay so you had no reason to believe that the regulation was applicable in that area. I think this view shows the lack of red line more effectively and the sign out of position. The correct signage for the red line is in the appropriate position when the red line starts again.


      • #4
        One thing to take note of and that is that TfL are one of the more considerate authorities when it comes to challenging any ticket - well worth a letter to them.


        • #5
          You can see how the red route should be marked here: https://assets.publishing.service.go...d-markings.pdf


          • #6
            A big thank you for your prompt replies.

            This case was put on hold as I called TFL to provide the CCTV evidence(photos/footage). All they have ended up doing is just providing an additional image which is slightly zoomed out (still restriction sign not visible). I have asked for video evidence twice now. Called them yesterday and they said we have sent DVD containing video footage twice by post. They have advised me to go into a TFL office if i still wish to view the footage. I do not wish to do that due to the need to care for my wife (very close to baby's due date).

            Been told that i have till Friday (two days time) to put my appeal in. If i understand correctly, i base my appeal on medical emergency (providing proof of blood test and results) and poor signage?

            Is there a template that i can leverage to log my appeal online on TFL site?
            Last edited by help_please; 1st May 2019, 15:28:PM.


            • #7
              I doubt you will find a template for your circumstances.

              Just make it clear that it was a medical emergency and the signage is unclear (especially if you are unused to driving in London).
              Show where the signs are and how they cannot be seen, and the confusing road markings.
              Good luck


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