After 1 year of my mom passing away and lots of issues, I have been informed the Draught Estate Accounts are ready to be signed off by the Executor.
I am 1 of 3 Residue Beneficiaries, Estate value about £130,000 to be shared. After a long due dilligence process my Brother has been informed he will be having deduction of between £4000-£5000 from his share. My mom lived with him for the last 6 months of her life, so not quite surely what financially went on.
he has said he will put “ a process in place to prevent sign off” Surely they would not be making a deduction if they thought it was not correct?
Can he prevent sign off by Executor?
If he refuses to sign and the other 2 beneficiaries do, can this stop distribution?
Thank you
After 1 year of my mom passing away and lots of issues, I have been informed the Draught Estate Accounts are ready to be signed off by the Executor.
I am 1 of 3 Residue Beneficiaries, Estate value about £130,000 to be shared. After a long due dilligence process my Brother has been informed he will be having deduction of between £4000-£5000 from his share. My mom lived with him for the last 6 months of her life, so not quite surely what financially went on.
he has said he will put “ a process in place to prevent sign off” Surely they would not be making a deduction if they thought it was not correct?
Can he prevent sign off by Executor?
If he refuses to sign and the other 2 beneficiaries do, can this stop distribution?
Thank you