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police complaints procedure used against us

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  • police complaints procedure used against us

    (Police Scotland)
    My 17 year old relative attempted to split up a fight in a pub on a local civic day. The main aggressor was charged after my relative was taken by the hair and knocked out. The partner of the aggressor is an off duty police officer. The aggressor and the off duty police officer acted together in the fight. The off duty police officer although they did not attack my relative they made sure that the event happened by using their presence as a barrier to stop the general public calming the situation down. to a point she raised her arms ...getting in the way essentially on purpose. This the off duty officer did twice. The off duty police officer was well known to all the onlookers. This happened in a small town where the off duty police officer grew up. When my relative came round from the attack both the aggressor and the off duty police officer had left. An ambulance was called my relative did not go to hospital after a check by the paramedics.

    As a family we reported the crime and the aggressor has been charged. The off duty police officer we decided to make a formal complaint against them.
    The form was filled in by my 17 year old relative. via the Police Scotland web page. No acknowledgement was sent by Police Scotland. So a month later she re sent the file. The complaint described the actions of the off duty police officer. And questioned why when clearly an assault had taken place and a 17 year old knocked out that their actions were to leave swiftly. She had brought the Police force into disrepute.. Especially since everyone knew what their day job was !

    In the mean time the 17 year old's mother frustrated by events that happened ...... made one general comment on a sports facebook page. (both aggressor and off duty police office play in the same sports team) which was neither inflammatory or aggressive. She went to watch at the sports field when the Agressor and the off duty police officer were playing an away fixture in my 17 year old relative's home sports ground.

    Last week the mother of the 17 year old received a Harassment notice which involved a visit by 2 police officers to her home. The harassment they claimed was 1 .. the facebook comment on the sports page.
    2. attending the sports match as a spectator. 3 the Formal complaint made TWICE to Police Scotland against the off duty Police officer.
    The claim of harassment was made by the Off duty police officer AND the aggressor..

    We are wondering how to pursue this next ????
    Our concerns are that the Police Complaints Procedure has been used as an accusation of harassment.a tool even against the family. The mother did not send the complaint in. It is in the 17 year old's name. It was resent because NO acknowledgement was sent - Even the second time.

    How can the Off duty Police officer turn the complaint around and then state they were being harassed. Surely the Complaints procedure should not be used in this manner. This was pointed out to the Police officers on the visit. The Police officers were told that their Senior officer had been notified BEFORE the Complaint had been put in that this line of action would be taken against the fellow off duty police officer.
    Any comments would be useful.

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  • #2
    Just bumping this post hoping for any kind of response..


    • #3
      des8 or ostell may have some thoughts, I think?

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      • #4
        I'm interested in that "Harassment notice" from the police.
        IN ENGLAND Police Information Notices (PINs) which the police may issue where there are allegations of harassment (sometimes called Harassment Warning Notices or Early Harassment Notices) are not covered by legislation, and don’t themselves constitute any kind of formal legal action. In 2017 there was talk about withdrawing their use and replacing them with "early harassment warning"
        I don't know the position in Scotland, but for starters can you post up a redacted copy of the notice (or PM it to me or admin@legalbeagles) so we can investigate it further

        Did you ever receive any acknowledgement of the complaint?
        Have you received a final letter from the police regarding the outcome of an investigation following your complaint?

        Suspicions must be that the local boys might be working together to cover up for their colleague


        • #5
          Thank you I shall get some further information for you.


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