i have received what looks Iike a county court order to force the sale of my property to pay council tax which I dispute. They have issued the usual summons through the council court which I understand to be illegal I have asked for legal proof that there has been a court hearing but the magistrates court say they do not deal with this and I have to get in touch with the council. Any help and advice will be welcome. Thank you.
Forced sale of property
Dont get caught up in ignoring this, your at a serious point and need to argue it formaly, properly on paper, now
You need to detail your formal dispuite to the headof finace at the council, by recorded deliver or emil, I would also recomend, do a full income/outgoingds for all the periods your disputing and make an offer on repaying any part you can, even if its a small offer.
Did you dispute any of the liability orders at court
did you depsute the possession order , and what date was it
exactly what order have they applied for ( wording )
do you have kids under 16
just in relation to this bit
They have issued the usual summons through the council court which I understand to be illegal Icrazy council ( as in local council,NELC ) as a member of the public, i don't get mad, i get even
whats the order, the exact wording on it.
whats the total ammout claimed, and what do you dispute. I need much more info if you want my opionon on this. did you dispute any of the action, if not, why, and if you did, what did you argue.crazy council ( as in local council,NELC ) as a member of the public, i don't get mad, i get even
It says order for sale hearing the amount originally was £2870.44 but now with the costs of £1981it comes to £4851.44 this all started when they said my property was unoccupied and I told them it was occupied. I sometimes stay at my girlfriends but if we have a fallout she has asked me to leave so u have gone back to my house.they had a court hearing for me which I attended but I also had an appointment the next day with a council representative who told me to attend the appointment and they would acknowledge I had attende court. They then proceeded against me without my presence and said they had a liability order granted against me the same day. I have emailed them and tried to resolve this never refusing to pay but they just will not acknowledge me.this has been going on for over 5 years.
- 1 thank
hi few questions
what council
have you offered a payment arraingmentr for any parts you dont dispute
what did you say/serve at the hearing and what did the m,ajistrate say ?
are you still in date to appeal that ?
you need at act asap,l this could happen fast unless you stop it
Ther ammount claimed is low, and the costs are very high,
I would write to my ward councilor as well, saying there after your home for less that 3K of council tax
I would deffinatly email the head of finace, asking him to justify this action due to the costs
You need to make an offer to pay the ammount outstanding at least, maybe the costs as well but dont hold up things arguing about that, they could charge you costs of up to 20k for selling the home
I have had to fend off a simialr attack from a council years ago
crazy council ( as in local council,NELC ) as a member of the public, i don't get mad, i get even
Thanks for your help and advice I think I'll go to an advice centre and see the solicitor there I have offered to pay but the dispute is they are charging me 150% council tax because they state it is an unoccupied property and I have asked for a single persons discount but they refuse my requests it's as if they are saying this is what we think and their decision is final. Anyway thanks for your time.
There suposed to go through a number of other options first, did they try
attachmernt of earnings
any type of payment arraingment
Also, were you registerd at your partners/other property
in relation to this part
have asked for a single persons discount but they refuse my requests it's as if they are saying this is what we think and their decision is final.
If your only registered at that property, thenm push for the single person discount, if you was registed at the oterh one, am not sure if you would get it or not
Ask them to hold going any further for 28 days whilst you sor tthings out, if they wont, you might want to apply for a stay
Can you offer an attachment of earnings/payment arriangment , if so includ it in the email/letter
Yoiu really want to get as much data/info as clear as possible for any solisitor you put it to. Council make it as hard todeal with as possible art this stage, just becuase its a lot of work for them to turn it back,
I would email the details to them both, ask them to wipe the cost due to the ammount of costs compaird to the ammount of outstanding, they may say no but wqorth asking
Didnt the judge/majistrate say anything about how low the claim was in relation to going for a sale ?
crazy council ( as in local council,NELC ) as a member of the public, i don't get mad, i get even
I told them I was willing to pay the council tax with my discount which I did they did not give me my discount.at first they put me on my girlfriends council tax until I told them it was wrong they now have me at my address but still will not apply my discount. I have told them I have a chronic disease which I am under a specialist doctor for and stress aggravates my disease. I have said to them I will deduct my 25% discount but they ignore this and put it on arrears so adding to the costs.i have offered payment with the discount applied but they do not acknowledge me.they even said they have another liability order against me that was issued before the case came to court.their courts are not true magistrates courts I have inquired about my cases at the magistrates court and they reply they have no record of it and to contact the council.they did ask for payment arrangements but that was the whole amount and not with my discount which they would not discuss.
- 1 thank
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